'Art Imitates Life' Promo Now Available
By RachelOctober 21, 2008 - 6:27 AM
See Also: 'Art Imitates Life' Episode Guide
The promo for this week's episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, "Art Imitates Life", is available online.
The team investigates the strange deaths of several people whose corpses are found in lifelike positions. Riley Adams (Lauren Lee Smith) joins the team, and the lab gets a visitor in light of Warrick's death. "Art Imitates Life" was written by Evan Dunsky.
The promo can be watched below, followed by a full transcript. (Please note that the transcript may contain errors.)
- [Text over: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation']
- [A man runs up and grabs the purse from a woman pushing a stroller]
- [A jogger hurries after the thief]
- [The thief looks behind him as he runs]
- Jogger: Hey!
- [The jogger walks toward someone, speaking as he goes]
- Jogger: Lady, excuse me, I need to use your phone.
- [Close on the woman's face--she's dead]
- Jogger: Lady?
- [Gil Grissom kneels next to the corpse]
- Catherine Willows: Uh, she forget to fall down?
- [Close on the victim's legs]
- Grissom: Lividity's fixed in her ankles and feet--suggests she died in this position.
- [Grissom stands, walking around the victim]
- [Catherine is bathed in the blue light of the lab]
- Catherine: This was a perfectly healthy young woman.
- [Autopsy photos are scattered across the table]
- Nick Stokes: Yeah, until she dropped dead...
- [Nick cocks his head]
- Nick: ...without dropping.
- [Grissom raises an eyebrow]
- [Patricia Alwick addresses the lab]
- Patricia: With the death of Warrick Brown, you've lost a colleague and a friend.
- [Grissom stands with the others, solemn]
- [Patricia adjusts items on a desk]
- Patricia: Sometimes if you're not looking, grief can sneak up and bite you.
- [Patricia addresses someone who has just entered the room]
- Patricia: Would you like to make an appointment?
- [Riley Adams looks at her from across the desk]
- Riley: No, I'm new here.
- [Grissom leans in the door]
- Grissom: Are you Riley Adams?
- [Riley looks up]
- Riley: Yeah, that's me.
- [Grissom gestures to her]
- Grissom: Well, we're very busy, would you come with me please?
- [Riley puts down what she's holding, glancing at Patricia before she walks away]
- Riley: Yeah.
- [Catherine and Riley look around, using flashlights]
- Riley: Check this out.
- [It's a painting, and the subject looks like a corpse]
- Riley: Bizarre, she looks kinda...
- [Catherine finishes her sentence]
- Catherine: Dead?
- [Riley studies the painting]
- Riley: Yeah, a little.
- [The flashlight illuminates the artist's signature]
- Catherine: What's that say...J Skaggs?
- [A warehouse full of activity]
- [Jim Brass holds a photo as he addresses the artist]
- Brass: You do paint dead people?
- [The artist, Jerzy Skaggs, drinks from a teacup]
- Skaggs: I paint people who look dead.
- [Two people sit in a tableau of death]
- [Close on a police car door]
- [People rush down a darkened staircase with flashlights]
- [Skaggs paints on a canvas]
- Skaggs: In case you haven't noticed, our culture seems to be obsessed with sex and death.
- [Riley moves through a dark room with a flashlight]
- [Brass responds to the artist]
- Brass: I've noticed.
- [A bus stop becomes a crime scene]
- [Another corpse--this time a man on his back]
- [Detective Williams glances down at the body as he speaks]
- Williams: The bus driver's certain the guy wasn't here an hour and a half ago.
- [Riley looks down]
- Riley: Roll him.
- [Dr David Phillips looks up at her, then at Grissom]
- [Grissom raises his eyebrows]
- [Riley kneels down]
- Riley: I saw that, and I'm not ever gonna forget it.
- [David stares at her, uncertain]
- [Riley laughs, and David chuckles slightly in return]
- [Grissom looks at their corpse]
- [David turns the body]
- Grissom: This is the second case of rapid onset rigor mortis we've had in the last 24 hours.
- [Lividity has settled into the man's back in stripes that match the seat of the bus bench he was lying on]
- [Riley's forehead is creased]
- Riley: That's pretty weird.
- [Grissom looks up at her]
- Grissom: Even for Vegas.
- [A jogger hurries after the thief]
- [Text over: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, New episode, Thursday 9/8C']
"Art Imitates Life" will air October 23 on CBS. Thanks to suzyb1978 on YouTube.
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