‘Just Murdered’ Promo Available Online
By DeborahApril 21, 2007 - 6:33 AM
CBS has released the promo for the new CSI:Miami episode “Just Murdered.”
In this episode, Miami’s nastiest divorce gets even worse when the husband’s mistress turns up dead.
The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at CBS.com. For those with slower internet connections, a full transcript of the promo video follows:
[An attractive man in a black tuxedo walks across a grassy park.]
[Voice over: “Once upon a time …”]
[A beautiful young blonde woman in a white wedding dress walks toward the man.]
[The couple poses together, smiling.]
[Voice over (cont.): “They were happily married.”]
[A man points a rifle toward the ground.]
[The man seen earlier points his rifle off the side of his boat.]
[The woman seen earlier stands on the dock; the rifle aimed at her.]
[Man: “I swear to God, I’ll kill you!”]
[The woman smiles, picks up a chain saw and lays into the side of his beautiful wooden sail boat.]
[Voice over (cont.): “But the honeymoon is over.”]
[Ryan explains to Horatio: “These lasers divide the whole house in half.”]
[Small green laser lights coming from the walls and ceiling illuminate the interior of a home.]
[The man shoves the woman.]
[Woman: “He was quite rough sometimes.”]
[A man is shown face down on the ground.]
[Delko: “His head was slammed in the car door.”]
[Text over: “Monday.”]
[The man undresses a gorgeous dark haired woman; not his wife.]
[Voice over: “It’s divorce, Miami style.”]
[Close-up on Ryan.]
[Close-up on Natalia.]
[Woman: “But as you know, divorces can be quite messy.”]
[A woman’s French manicured hand holds a long, shiny knife.]
[Close-up on a man’s face.]
[Horatio: “So can killing people.”]
[Close-up on Delko, then Calleigh.]
[Voice over: “Don’t miss the one moment everyone will remember.”]
[Text over: “Everyone will remember.”]
[Calleigh leans forward and kisses Delko.]
[Close-up on Delko.]
[Voice and text over: “A new CSI:Miami CBS Monday 10/9 c.” ]
To view the trailer of this new CSI:Miami episode, head over to the official CSI:Miami website.
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