‘Empty Eyes’ Promo Available Online
By DeborahMarch 21, 2007 - 11:32 PM
CBS has released the promo for the new CSI episode “Empty Eyes.”
In this episode, while processing the house where several showgirls are murdered, Sara is haunted by the dying words of the sixth victim.
The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at CBS.com. For those with slower internet connections, a full transcript of the promo video follows:
- [Medium on Grissom; holds a flashlite.]
- [Voice over (Grissom’s voice: “They say a disorganized killer”]
- [Sara walks upstairs in a house; shines a flashlight.]
- [Voice over (Grissom’s voice): “is apt to obtain his victims by chance.”]
- [Quick cuts of attractive young women.]
- [Something unseen startles Sara causing her to recoil.]
- [Greg ducks under crime tape.]
- [Voice over (Grissom): “Luck of the draw.”]
- [Text over: “A brutal crime scene” on a residential stairway.]
- [Medium on Greg.]
- [Greg: “You been up there yet?”]
- [Close-up on Nick.]
- [Nick and Greg exchange acknowledging looks.]
- [Grissom walks down an upstairs hallway.]
- [Close-up on Warrick.]
- [Warrick: “Grissom is down the hall. Just follow the blood.”]
- [Close-up on Catherine.]
- [Catherine: “Busy night.”]
- [Text over: “An unthinkable crime” over Catherine squatting at the crime scene.]
- [Medium on Sara.]
- [Sara: “How many bodies do you have in here?”]
- [Grissom: “Six roommates. All showgirls.”]
- [A newspaper picture showing a group of smiling young women.]
- [A showgirl is all decked out in her work costume.]
- [Voice over (Warrick’s voice): “Oh my God.”]
- [Warrick hugs an elderly black woman.]
- [Text over: “A powerful episode.”]
- [Close-up on Nick, with sad eyes.]
- [Grissom wipes a tear from Sara’s face.]
- [Text over: “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation New Episode Thursday 9/8C”]
- [Voice over (Grissom’s voice: “They say a disorganized killer”]
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