'Miami' Gets Lucky
By CaillanDecember 20, 2004 - 8:15 AM
See Also: 'One Night Stand' Episode Guide
When a bellboy enters a hotel room to drop off the guests' suitcases he ends up dead in the CSI: Miami episode "One Night Stand".
Horatio, Yelina, Ryan and Alexx turn up at the Agramonte hotel to find that bellboy Todd Boyce has been shot twice in the face in the Presidential Suite, according to CSI Files sources. Calleigh is on her way there too, when she is stopped in the lobby by Tom Hanson, a holiday-maker looking for his missing wife, Erica. He says they got separated in the hotel's sushi restaurant the night before and gives Calleigh a photo of her.
Before Calleigh gets a chance to leave the lobby, she's met by Detective Tripp, who's there to check out a dead female found in the service elevator. Sure enough, it turns out to be Erica Hanson, wearing some racy underwear and not much else. Alexx, having moved on from the bellboy shooting, is checking out the body, while Eric is on hand to dust prints. The Agramonte hotel just became crime central.
The suitcases Todd Boyce was bringing to the Presidential Suite turn out to be full of currency paper. Ryan Wolfe takes the paper to Cynthia Wells at Questioned Documents, who is almost one hundred percent sure the paper is genuine. The money is reported to the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which sends out one of their agents, Kyle Wallace, to check out the find. He tells Ryan and Cynthia the paper was stolen near Pittsburgh approximately three weeks before the Agramonte murder. The total amount of the bills? A cool ten million dollars. Horatio and Ryan must now find out who dropped off the suitcases at the hotel before they skip town.
Meanwhile, Calleigh and Tripp are interrogating Tom Hanson back at Miami-Dade PD. He tells them he and his wife met another couple who invited them to a "Skin" party at the Agramonte penthouse, at party where couples go to get turned on, but supposedly stop short of actually having sex. When they got there, Erica apparently started getting into the swing of things, downing oyster shots at the bar. Tom says he was reluctant to join in, and they were separated for the rest of the evening.
Anxious to check out the scene of the crime, Calleigh and Tripp head over to the Agramonte penthouse, where they catch one couple still going at it after a night of serious partying. But Calleigh is more interested in the oyster shot glasses, which she takes back to the lab for analysis. It turns out that all of the shot glasses contained paracetamol, a fact that seems irrelevant until it turns out that Erica was allergic to the substance...
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details and the airing order of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"One Night Stand" will likely air in February, 2005.
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