Tabloid Newspaper Fuels Season 4 Rumour Mill
By MichelleAugust 20, 2003 - 9:24 PM
A "shocking love affair" and a serious gambling problem are among the stories allegedly in the works for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, according to a U.S. supermarket tabloid.
The Globe claims to have a sneak peak at next season's storylines, courtesy an unnamed industry insider.
Among the rumoured storylines:
- Gil Grissom (William Petersen) and Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) will have a full-fledged love affair, quashing the crush Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda) is carrying for her. In addition, Grissom's hearing problems will be resolved early in the season.
- Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger) will explore her connections to the Las Vegas criminal underground. Her daughter Lindsey will appear more often as well. Catherine's longtime mentor, casino owner Sam Braun, will be the chief suspect in the murder of Cyrus Lockwood (Jeffrey D. Sams).
- Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan) might leave the CSI unit to pursue a career as a musician, a move that may be echoed by the actor in real life; he has a CD coming out this fall.
- Nick Stokes (George Eads) will have a less adversarial relationship with Grissom.
The Globe also states that it can "reveal exclusively" a potential crossover with CSI: Miami, and that a feature film may be in the works.
All of these supposed spoilers are rumours, not confirmed by CBS or any other entity connected with the series.
Executive producer Anthony Zuiker had stated previously that the Grissom/Sara relationship would remain subtextual for now, while executive producer Carol Mendelsohn refused to comment on whether Grissom would have his hearing restored.
The original article may be found at Your Tax Dollars At Work's Forums.
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