‘A Daze of Wine and Roaches’ Promo Available Online
By DeborahMarch 20, 2007 - 12:15 AM
CBS has released the promo for the new CSI:New York episode “A Daze of Wine and Roaches.”
In this episode, Mac and Stella face diplomatic roadblocks while investigating a murder at a United Nations fundraiser.
The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at CBS.com. For those with slower internet connections, a full transcript of the promo video follows:
[Voice over: “CBS Wednesday …” ]
[Elaborately costumed party-goers mingle at a formal French gathering.]
[Voice over (cont.): “a modern day Marie Antoinette goes out …” ]
[A beautiful young woman dressed as Marie Antoinette sticks her head in a guillotine.]
[Simultaneous voice and text over superimposed over New York buildings: “the old fashioned way.”]
[The blade of the guillotine comes crashing down. A chopping sound is heard.]
[The faces of the guests register horror.]
[Medium on Stella, squatting.]
[Stella: “That thing’s just a prop.”]
[Close-up on Sid.]
[Sid: “Someone wanted her hurt.”]
[Hawkes shines a maglite.]
[Close-up on Mac.]
[Mac: “Someone wanted her dead.”]
[Voice over: “And …”]
[Danny stands in front of a large poster with a woman’s hand holding a cockroach and the words “A girl’s new best friend” imprinted on it.]
[An attractive dark haired young man explains with excitement: “Cockroaches are amazing!”]
[A busy street at dusk, cars fill the road with headlights on.]
[Voice over: “People are dying.”]
[The attractive man lies on the floor.]
[Two men shove each other.]
[Voice over: “People are dying for bugs with bling.”]
[Text over: “With bling” superimposed over New York buildings.]
[A man lies dead on the floor, his mouth covered in blood.]
[Close-up of a cockroach’s belly, encrusted in jewels.]
[Danny and Lindsay work side-by-side in the lab.]
[Lindsay: “This one is covered in emeralds and rubies.”]
[Danny, holding a bug under a microscope,: “It’s a roach broach.”]
[Close up of a jeweled roach pinned to a green blouse.]
[Close up on a woman: “That roach is worth more than the two of you make in a year.”]
[Danny looks surprised.]
[Danny shines a maglite in darkness.]
[Lindsay appears shocked.]
[Cockroaches cover a wall.]
[Lindsay thrusts a long stick forward defensively.]
[Danny (voice over): “This is spooky.”]
[Black screen.]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “CSI:NY Wednesday 10/9c.”]
To view the trailer of this new CSI:New York episode, head over to the official CSI:New York website.
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