‘The Ride In’ Promo Available Online
By DeborahFebruary 20, 2007 - 4:52 AM
CBS has released the promo for the new CSI:New York episode “The Ride In.”
When a man is found shot in the chest in his own home, buried under a sea of money, Mac and Danny must not only solve the bizarre murder, but also figure out why there is a 20 foot wooden arc in his backyard.
The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at CBS.com. For those with slower internet connections, a full transcript of the promo video follows:
[A man with long dark hair and a scruffy beard stands in front of a white dry-erase board. The board is filled with words written in black. Words such as “Moses” and “Lord commands” are visible.]
[Man: “Signs are everywhere.”]
[Heavy traffic. A large fire burns in the distance.]
[A hurricane rains down hard; heavy wind blows palm trees nearly sideways.]
[Voice over (Man): “We must prepare for the end of days.”]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “Wednesday.”]
[Medium on Mac and Danny.]
[Voice over: “A mystery of …”]
[A wooden arc.]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “Biblical proportion.”]
[Medium on Danny and Mac standing outside a house.]
[Danny: “Well, if this is Noah’s house …”]
[Man lies dead underneath a pile of money.]
[Mac: “Then this must be Noah’s arc.”]
[Danny shines a flashlight into the darkness; surprised. The light illuminates a caged tiger.]
[A black couple. The woman speaks. Woman: “We had to prepare for the voyage. The flood is coming.”]
[A crew of law enforcement shine their flashlights in the dark at the large wooden arc.]
[Voice over (Flack): “Our boy had some end of the world issues.”]
[A stocked basement pantry. Caged animals.]
[Voice over: “And …”]
[A body lies on the ground; dressed in a cigarette costume.]
[Wide on Hawkes walking toward the body.]
[Hawkes (off screen): “You’ve got to be kidding me.”]
[The cigarette-clad figure is one fire; runs.]
[Voice over: “A cigarette mascot …”]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “stubbed out.”]
[Medium on Hawkes and Stella.]
[Stella: “Let’s just say it now … smoking kills.”]
[A flame.]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “Unbelievable.”]
[A giraffe walks in front of a house.]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “Unexpected.”]
[Sid lies on the ground.]
[Medium on Stella.]
[Stella: “Sid!!!”]
[Stella (frantic): “Somebody help!!!”]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “CSI:NY Wednesday 10/9c.”]
To view the trailer of this new CSI:New York episode, head over to the official CSI:New York website.
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