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By CarolinaDecember 19, 2005 - 10:09 PM
Hello World!
Not looking forward to watching CSI: Miami tonight, in fact, I think I'm gonna sleep through it altogether. I would really love for the writers of this show to realize not all Hispanic people are promiscuous and unreliable. I can't understand why the Latino characters are horn dogs who will have sex with anything that moves, and yet the white characters are all virtuous and pure. I'm Hispanic, and watching this show every week is like being slapped in the face over and over again. The Latino character is unreliable, stupid, naïve, irresponsible and only thinks with his genitals. The white characters will roll their eyes and complain about the Latino character and continue on their perfect little moral paths.
I thought with the addition of another Hispanic character things would change, but the only thing the Miami writers have accomplished with the addition of Natalia Boa Vista is to reinforce their twisted view that all Latinos are horn dogs, and they'll sleep with people they barely know. Next thing you know Delko will get Natalia pregnant, because we're all careless like that, and he'll be an irresponsible father like all Latino fathers are, right Miami?
So this is it for me and CSI: Miami for a while. I can't continue to watch a show that shows little respect for my culture. Belive me, it sucks, because I like the show, but hey, I have principles (yes, CSI: Miami, Hispanic people have principles!) and they're not for sale. Not to mention watching Adam Rodriguez and Eva La Rue trying to find chemistry together is like seeing a spider trying to crawl out of a toilet bowl as you flush over and over again. It's painful and hopeless.
Talk CSI Files threads
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:
- The Golden Globes nominations were announced and CSI missed every category. Discuss this in the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation forum.
- In the CSI: New York forum, fans are listing the things they'd change about the current season of the show.
- And in the Forensic Science forum, poster lilbug is looking for good ideas for a science fair project.
More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!
CSI Files Two Years Ago
Here's what was hot back in December of 2003:
- 'CSI', Petersen Nominated for Golden Globes
CSI snatched 2 Golden Globe nominations two years ago, one for Best Drama and another one for Best Actor for William Petersen (Gil Grissom). The show went up against FOX's 24, FX's Nip/Tuck, HBO's Six Feet Under and NBC's The West Wing. - Dawson Not Coming Out Just Yet
The character of Bobby Dawson, played by Gerald McCullouch, was going to be the only gay character on CSI. Dawson's revelation was supposed to take place in Grissom Vs. The Volcano" but the scene was cut. "We shot [the scene where Bobby comes out], and it was very true to life," McCullouch said. He also told the Blade that he didn't realize the scene had been cut until the episode aired. "It wasn't until I got phone calls when the show aired on the East Coast that it wasn't on the show," he said. "I thought, 'What? I've been doing two days of press on this.'" - 'CSI' Cast Goes On Location For 'Suckers'
The cast of CSI spent half a week in Las Vegas filming scenes for the episode "Suckers." "We're going to have the best sweeps period ever in February." series creator Anthony Zuiker said. "We have some really big monsters [episodes] coming up." Zuiker also talked about the likelihood of a third CSI.
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:
,Thanks to everyone who voted. Come back tonight after Miami to let us know if you enjoyed the episode,
In the Michael Shanks story we reported he was offered a part before tonight's guest spot, but the part the actor was offered was Doug Stets.
This Week On TV
- Tonight at 10:00pm, CSI: Miami's new episode "Payback" will air on CBS. Here's what you can expect from it:
"Natalia's mission to solve cold cases is a success when a man imprisoned for rape is set free six years later. However, when the CSIs reexamine the evidence, find the true culprit and go to arrest him, they find that someone else has already taken justice into their own hands and killed him. Meanwhile, Alexx discovers that a corpse in her morgue may have died due to surgeon error on the operating table."
- On Wednesday night at 10pm, CBS will air the CSI: New York episode "Grand Murder At Central Station." Here's a brief synopsis:
"While investigating the murder of a plastic surgeon, Mac and Hawkes discover that suspects abound since the doctor had pending lawsuits with patients who sued him for millions. Meanwhile, Stella and Danny delve into the world of cuddle parties while tracking the killer of a blind woman found on a Manhattan rooftop. Stella enlists the help of a sculptor to aid her with a facial reconstruction project that will help nab the suspect. Also, Aiden grows frustrated when she's unable to find evidence to finally send a repeat rapist to jail. And, the CSIs lose a member of the team."
- On Thursday at 9:00pm, the CSI episode "Room Service" will air again. This is what you can expect from it:
"The CSI team delves into the suspicious murder of an up and coming young movie star who is found dead after a night of partying in his hotel suite with his entourage of groupies. Meanwhile, downstairs at the same hotel, the team discovers that the immigrant kitchen workers may have turned against each other and committed murder."
In addition to the above episodes on CBS, cable channel SpikeTV will of course continue its daily CSI repeats.
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