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First 'Unbearable' Plot Details

By Caillan
December 19, 2004 - 9:48 AM

See Also: 'Unbearable' Episode Guide

Grissom, Sara and the rest of the night shift team at the Las Vegas crime lab will reportedly investigate a missing person's case in the upcoming episode, "Unbearable".

According to CSI Files sources, Lori Kyman went out for a night on the town with her best friend, Amy Maynard, but never made it home. When Brass and Sara turn up on the scene the next morning, her husband, Mark Kyman, tells them he fell asleep after putting their baby son to bed, but woke up around two in the morning to find that Lori still hadn't returned home. Amy recalls that the pair of them left the club they were drinking at, The Top Floor, at about twenty to eleven.

The CSIs immediately turn their attention to the husband, as is common in such cases. But Mark swears he was home all night, adding that the couple only had one car, and Lori had driven it to the club. One other possible suspect is Bill Himmel, a twenty-something guy looking to get lucky who had hit on Lori at The Top Floor. Amy tells the CSIs that he didn't seem too creepy, but does recall that he followed Lori out to her car.

After Lori's car turns up abandoned by the side of the road, Greg goes over the vehicle with a fine tooth come and discovers that someone had forced a screw into one of the tyres. The suspect from the club, Bill Himmel, is called in for questioning and Grissom asks him about the screw in Lori's tyre. Bill says he was just trying to score with Lori. His plan was to stick the screw in her tyre and follow her car until she got a flat tyre, then magically appear to be her knight in shining armour. He says he followed Lori for twenty minutes, but she never got a flat, and he gave up.

The case soon takes an ugly turn when a dead female is found by a man walking his dog in Sutor, Nevada. Sure enough, the body turns out to be Lori's, and it looks like she didn't meet a pleasant end: her neck has bruises consistent with strangulation, and the back of her skin seems to have been burned. Now the CSIs have a body, all they can do is follow the evidence, even if it leads in the most surprising of directions...

While the night shift work the Lori Kyman case, the newly-formed swing shift, composed of Catherine, Warrick and Nick, embrace the animal world in their investigation. A man's dead body has been found out in the Black Mountains, close to the corpse of a bear, shot twice in the head. Seems like an open and shut case, doesn't it? Man shoots bear as he is being mauled to death. There's only one problem: the bear is a Kodiak, a species not native to the U.S. — someone would have had to transport the animal out there. And that means murder.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details and the airing order of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Unbearable" will likely air in February, 2005.

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