'CSI,' 'Miami' & 'New York' Review Round-Up
By CarolinaOctober 19, 2005 - 4:06 AM
The websites Fandom Talk, Blogcritics.org, TV Squad, and MSN have been keeping up with their reviews of the latest episodes of the CSI trio. Below, they talk about the highs, the lows, and the new Mulder and Scully.
- Fandom Talk went straight to the most talked about topic of "Room Service" Gary Jules's "Mad World," the song that played at the beginning and the end of the episode.
"Unfortunately, it seems to set the tone for a somewhat lackluster episode. The song itself is slow and sad, too good to be emo, and not at all the typical CSI "OMGCRIMESCENE" theme we usually get at the start of an ep. It's also, apparently, woefully overused by every big-budget TV show in existence."
You can read the entire recap here.
- Fandom Talk also provided a recap of the episode "Bite Me." In it, the recapper said they would like for the CSIs to finally realize our beloved coroner David isn't as stupid as they all assume he is. Read their recap in the CSI page.
- MSN's Paige Newman had this to say about "Bite Me," more specifically, Catherine's issues:
"Catherine does seem to have the insights on being a dissatisfied spouse. First we heard how she paid for her honeymoon with their first husband, which she's reminded of by tequila (very romantic). And then, she and Sara were quick to realize that Becky Lester was the one who sent Ray the blackmail note. "Never underestimate the deviousness of a malcontented spouse," she said. Don't worry, Catherine, we won't. At least she has Brass' proposal to fall back on."
- Tom Biro, from TV Squad, reviewed the episode "Shooting Stars." Biro found the storyline slow and a bit clichéd, shades of the real-life Heaven's Gate cult case. He's also beginning to wonder if Nick Stoke's issues might propel him to walk away from his job. You can read Biro's full review here.
- "Shooting Stars" was also reviewed by TV Squad. Newman particularly enjoyed this episode, particularly the partnership between the two main characters:
"I love it when Catherine and Grissom team up. She's the skeptical Scully to his ready-to-believe Mulder. 'Who are you today, Moses?' she asked when he led her off into the desert. But you can tell she trusts him, because off the two of them went. And when it came down to entering that bunker without backup, she was right behind him. Now that's a partner."
- Blog Critics provided a recap for the CSI: Miami episode "Blood in the Water." Reviewer Nancy Gail concentrated on the parallels between the Gannon family and the CSI family. You can read the review here.
- The new season of CSI: New York is so bright, the people at Fandom Talk dubbed the premiere episode "Shiny Happy People." In fact, the recapped wondered if they were watching a completely different show, or if everyone involved in the production of NY has gone on Prozac.
- "Grand Murder at Central Station" arose bitter feelings over at Fandom Talk, precisely the way the character Aiden Burn was written out. Though the recapper enjoyed Gary Sinise's (Mac Taylor) performance during the final scene, they felt the demise of Burn was dissatisfying:
"This whole thing was so unexpected that it doesn't sit well for me as a viewer. I could believe Danny having this problem but Aiden is such a cool cucumber that it doesn't ring true. The build-up was non-existent and the resolution was let's-just-get-this-over-with stupid."
You can read the recap here.
- Blog Critics provided a less detailed recap of "Grand Murder," by Nancy Gail. You can read it here.
- Lastly, Fandom Talk returned a week later with a recap of the episode "Zoo York." This episode featured Anna Belknap as Lindsay Monroe, who the website described as an "awww-shucks-good-old-country-girl version of Nicky Stokes." But they also found it odd that no one mentioned Aiden Burn. Read the recap in their New York section.
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