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By KristineJuly 19, 2004 - 9:23 PM
Hello World!
Well, it's been four days since the news came down about the firing of Jorja Fox and George Eads and I'm still somewhat shocked by it. CSI is indeed an ensemble drama with a focus on the stories rather than the characters, and it's not as if William Petersen or Marg Helgenberger got the boot, but I'm surprised that the network let go two of the show's stars at one time.
It's hard to know where to assess sympathy or blame. It's difficult to believe the network couldn't have shelled out a little more money to keep two of the stars of its top-rated drama happy. Presumably they weren't asking for obscene raises (though that is not out of the realm of possibility that the pair were asking for exorberant salary boosts)--would it have been that hard to throw some of the considerable cash revenue CSI pulls in Fox and Eads' way? After all, they're hardly the first stars to hold out for more money. Actors from shows like The West Wing, Friends, and Everybody Loves Raymond did it, and succeeded.
But on the other hand, it's hard to cry for stars who were getting $100,000 an episode. I realize this is below what Petersen and Helgenberger were earning, and perhaps on the low side for actors in a top ten drama, but at the same time, it's not like Fox and Eads' salaries were anything to sniff at. And though neither headlined CSI, they both got considerable exposure on the show. It certainly doesn't hurt to be on the number one drama on network television.
So ultimately, I'm going to place my sympathy with the fans. I feel sorry for the people who tune in faithfully every week who really enjoy these characters. Many enjoyed the tension between Sara and Grissom. Others liked sweet, determined Nick. I don't think that this decision will affect CSI's ratings, and I don't think Fox and Eads will have trouble finding work. They're both talented actors. But I think the fans will miss them.
Trek BBS Today
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-Did all the Miami cast show up?
-They are firing Jorja Fox and George Eads!!!
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Today's Television Listings
Tonight CBS will air the CSI: Miami episiode "Rap Sheet". Here is how TV Guide describes the episode:
A rapper survives after being gunned down while performing at a Miami club, but his bodyguard isn't as fortunate. The investigation centers on another rapper who claims the wounded man stole his song. In another case, a woman wakes up in the morgue in a body bag. She was thought to be dead following an accident in which her girlfriend died, although it's later learned that the friend was killed before the accident took place.
On Thursday, CBS will show the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode "Dead Ringer". TV Guide describes the episode:
Grissom discovers the dead body of a Los Angeles cop in the desert during a nighttime 120-mile relay race for police officers and the investigation turns up signs of foul play. Back at the hotel where the officers are staying, two more bodies are found in what appears to be a murder-suicide between male and female cops who may have been lovers. But Warrick and Sara believe it may be a double homicide.
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