Home Incursion Turns Deadly In 'Invasion'
By KristineDecember 18, 2003 - 3:05 PM
See Also: 'Invasion' Episode Guide
Tom Henderson, his wife Joanne, and their eighteen-year-old son, Jason, are getting ready for a quiet movie night at home. The doorbell rings, and Jason goes to answer it, assuming it's the pizza delivery man. Suddenly, the door is slammed into his face by two masked men, who run into the house.
According to CSIFiles sources, in the upcoming CSI: Miami episode "Invasion," the men force Tom and Joanne into the living room, where they terrorize the couple before breaking into a cabinet with valuable South American relics in it. One of the gunmen drags Tom out of the room.
A neighbor calls the police, and Horatio arrives on the scene. He meets up with Yelena and goes inside the house. He finds Joanne tied up on the bed, terrified. She asks after her husband and son, but there's no sign of them on the property. A closer investigation reveals Jason, tied up in a chest freezer, and a huge blood stain in the garage, possibly from Tom.
Yelina and Horatio question Joanne, who tells them a conquistador sword, a warrior statue, and a tribal dagger are missing. After she reveals her husband had a vasectomy after Jason's sixth birthday, she's blindsided by Horatio's question about a pregnancy test found in her bathroom. She confesses to an affair with her pilates instructor, Shane.
Shane has an airtight alibi, and Horatio's suspicions turn elsewhere when he finds heroin in Jason's bedroom. Jason squirms under interrogation, and finally admits to dealing for a Haitian drug ring.
Horatio and Delko contact Agent Brody, who takes them to an abandoned store in Little Haiti. Turns out the store isn't quite so abandoned--they discover a dealer, Maurice Dushamp, there. In his car, they discover two guns--and the tribal dagger. Dushamp denies any knowledge of the murders; he claims Jason gave him the statue to pay off a drug debt.
When the Dushamp's gun doesn't match up with the shell casing found at the scene, it would appear the CSIs have hit a deadend. Their search takes them to Home Depot, where the rope used to tie up Joanne and Jason was purchased. The key to the case might lie in a simple preferred shopper's account...
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.
"Invasion" will likely air in early 2004.
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