First 'Living Legend' Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahOctober 18, 2006 - 4:40 AM
According to CSI Files sources, “Living Legend’” will open with a news report showing a series of 1970s era photos of Mickey Dunn, a handsome young mafia boss with a movie-star smile. Dunn struts his stuff in a three-piece polyester suit. Dunn smokes and confers with old-school mob bosses. Dunn surrounded by Dallas cheerleader type women. Dunn’s car is a gold Cadillac with a license plate reading “CHAINSAW” and a gold-plated Derringer as a hood ornament. Reporter Paula Francis narrates the footage, describing Dunn as a legendary mob figure who owned Vegas back in his day. Then, the narration continues, in August 1976, Federal authorities linked Dunn to the murder of a low-level mob informant. The party was over and the arrest warrant was issued. But the legend had just begun. Dunn and his gold Cadillac vanished into the night, never to be seen again -- until today.
The news report is viewed on a small hand-held television by an onlooker, watching as Dunn’s gold Cadillac is being pulled out of Lake Meade.
In a karaoke bar, Michael Myers, late 40s, sings Sinatra. A good-looking man who can definitely sing. He’s a crooner with rock star charisma. The crowd loves him. One member of the crowd, Ken Billings, 50s, is particularly taken with Myers. When the song ends, Billings insists on buying Myers a drink. Myers accepts and the pair spends the rest of the evening drinking and laughing. Billings is confined to a wheelchair, but appears to be the life of the party regardless.
The bar closes. Myers and Billings leave together. Billings declines assistance with his wheelchair, but Myers pushes him anyway. Billings doesn’t make much of it until Myers passes the handicapped parking space, picking up speed and ignoring Billings instructions as to the location of his car. Myers begins to jog and then break into a run, still pushing the wheelchair. He then shoves Billings' fast-moving wheelchair into a busy road, straight into on-coming traffic. Just as Billings’ out-of-control wheelchair enters the road, a Hummer limo filled with drunken high school students standing up through the sunroof approaches. Billings and his wheelchair are smashed by the speeding Hummer.
While investigating the Billings crime scene, Grissom finds a photocopy of a picture in Billings’ pocket. The picture shows five men posed together outdoors. Two of the five faces are marked out with thick ink “X” marks.
Brass and Sara question the bartender at the bar Billings and Myers had been at. The bartender remembered them and knew Billings, a regular. Myers left an astounding amount evidence for the CSIs to work with. Not only was he photographed with Billings, but he also drank a fancy imported beer and left prints on the bottle, plus he signed his name on the karaoke sign-in sheet. Additionally, the bar maintains tapes of the karaoke performances.
Back at the lab, close study of the picture found on Billings body reveals that it was taken in the 1970s in front of Mickey Dunn’s Cadillac. Dunn is one of the men in the photo. His face is crossed out with a large “X” mark. A second “X” mark is over the face of a younger looking, but unmistakable Ken Billings. Focus in on one of the faces we haven’t met yet, Randy Carter.
Return to the present day, as Randy Carter stands with a hooker in a hotel hallway. The hooker tells him without emotion that he was incredible. He pays her, they make plans for him to return next week and he leaves her door. As Carter walks down the hallway, he encounters an elderly African American woman with two large suitcases. She is unable to lift them. He offers to carry them inside for her and she graciously accepts. As Carter takes the luggage into the old woman’s room, he doesn’t see the evil look on her face as she closes the door behind him. The door closes. We hear a thump and a struggle. Viewing through the spy hole in the door, we see a thin wire pulled tight around Carter’s neck.
Sofia pays a visit to the home of Derek Paul’s mother. Paul is apparently another of the men in the picture with Dunn. Mrs. Paul claims she hasn’t seen her son in months. She believes he may have gone to Florida after being released from prison. She warns Sophia that a pretty girl like her shouldn’t walk alone in that neighborhood. Just then, Sophia sees Derek Paul run out of a back door to the house, heading toward a fence. Sophia doesn’t move. Paul is taken down and cuffed by a uniformed officer. Sophia tells Mrs. Paul she agrees about the neighborhood and that’s why she always posts a man out back.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
“Living Legend” is expected to air on the 16th of November, 2006.
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