First ‘Broken Home’ Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahJanuary 18, 2007 - 6:12 AM
According to CSI Files sources, “Broken Home” will open with Heather Connelly, 16, and absolutely terrified sitting in large, stylish living room in the pre-dawn hours. The house is too quiet. A phone rings, piercing the silence. Heather answers the phone. She meets with heavy, raspy breathing on the other end. The breathing turns to a choking sound. It sputters, gasps, then stops. The line goes dead.
Heather puts down the phone and slowly walks upstairs. She yells out, “This isn’t funny. I’ll seriously tell your parents when they get home.” Heather is babysitting 12 year old Justin Molina. As she reaches the top of the stairs, she sees the phone rocking on the hallway floor. She proceeds down the hall to Justin’s bedroom, indicated by a “Keep Away” sign on the door.
Heather enters Justin’s bedroom and finds him lying motionless in a chair. As she runs to him, he opens his eyes and laughs. Heather wants to kill him.
Just as Heather and Justin resolve the cruel trick Justin just played on her, they hear the front door open. The sound is followed by a deep human groan. Justin assures Heather he knows nothing about it and she believes him.
Heather goes downstairs, stopping cold on the last step. In front of her, her father Edward Connelly lies on the floor. With blood running down his head, he looks up at her with pleading eyes, reaches toward her with a blood soaked arm and dies.
Now morning, Horatio and Detective Tripp inspect the crime scene. The Connellys lived next door to the Molinas. Detective Tripp speculates that Edward Connelly came over to check on his daughter once it got late. Heather says it was a weird night because the Molinas never came home.
Heather’s mother, Kristy Connelly, is unaccounted for until Horatio discovers her dead body lying in the bushes.
Horatio brings Dr. Mike Lansky in for questioning after his fingerprints are found on a window sill outside the Molina residence. His prints were in the system due to a DUI during med school. Dr. Lansky admits he was there and even looked through the window. He claims Dave Molina borrowed some tools from him and we wanted them back. He looked through the window to see if they were home. He saw Heather through the window, clad in pink panties and a shirt. She removed her shirt to reveal a camisole underneath. Dr. Lansky claims he didn’t stick around long enough to see who she was with.
Heather is questioned. She admits to removing her clothes and says she was trying on Mrs. Molina’s clothes, when she saw a figure move past the window.
Natalia runs a “victimology” on the Connellys and discovers they were litigious, having sued most of their neighbors for everything under the sun – property line disputes, noise, trees, dogs barking. They won a couple big judgments and that seemed to be their only source of income. Their latest targets were the Molinas.
Calleigh questions Justin Molina and learns that he hates his parents because they’re always out partying and leave him home with the babysitter. He doesn’t mind Heather because “she’s a Britney” and he can sneak out of the house. On the night the Connellys were murdered, evidence on his window screen suggests he snuck out. Calleigh believes Justin might have killed the Connellys if they caught him trying to sneak back into his house.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
“Broken Home” is expected to air on the 19th of February, 2007.
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