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CSI Files

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By Carolina
October 17, 2005 - 10:30 PM

Hello World!

First, I want to apologize to everyone who has tried to e-mail me in the last month or so (or probably two months). I'm pretty much a walking technical difficulty at the moment. My computer was broken for a really long time, I fixed it, it's giving me problems again. My cable modem was down, then up again, then down, then up, now it's down. Then my dial-up went down. So I've been internet challenged for a while. I think God is probably trying to tell me something, but since my e-mail is down, I'm not getting her messages. God really needs to download AOL instant messenger.

How's everyone liking the new season so far? Over the summer I kept reading about all these changes being done to CSI: New York and I was very worried. But I gotta say, I'm really liking the new look. Well, I'm liking the look of the show. I'm not a big fan of Stella's new look. Melina Kanakaredes is a gorgeous woman, in fact, she's my second girlfriend (I need a plan B, in case Emily Procter dumps me), but I'm not liking the way they're dressing her. Who wears tank tops to crime scenes? That's gotta be terribly uncomfortable. And these people have to bend down a lot. I'm not a guy, so maybe I just don't appreciate the breast shots. Last week her belly was showing. Yeah, that's professional. Note to the New York wardrobe department: leave something to the imagination, huh? Stella looked a hundred times prettier when she was all covered up at the end of the episode.

Also, congratulations to Anna Belknap for making it through her first episode with so much fan support. I was worried she'd get on people's bad side because she's replacing Ferlito, but it looks like the fandom adores her already. You can put me on that list, too. To be honest, I would've preferred if they'd added a Hispanic character (because it seems this show takes place in No Brown All White City, USA rather than New York) but Lindsay Monroe seems cool so far.

Still, if the producers of New York feel inclined to make their show a bit more multi-cultural, that would be as welcomed as a can of Coca Cola and a bag of Doritos in the middle of the Gobi desert.

Talk CSI Files threads

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:

- In the CSI: General Discussion forum, people are talking about character parallels.

- What is your idea of a perfect CSI: Miami episode? Discuss it in the CSI: Miami forum.

- Do you think Warrick's spontaneous marriage will last? Talk about Warrick and Tina in the Shipper Central forum.

More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!

CSI Files Two Years Ago

Here's what was hot back in October of 2003:

  • Dourdan Still Surprised By Success
    Actor Gary Dourdan (Warrick Brown) revealed two years ago he never imagined CSI would become the number one show. "We knew it was good, we knew we were doing something else on TV, but No. 1 show in the world? It's bizarre," the actor told Julie Chen at the Early Show.

  • Mendelsohn and Donahue Talk New Deals
    Ann Donahue and Carol Mendelsohn discuss what it's like being a successful woman in Hollywood. "Lee Majors once said to me, 'Where did you learn to write like a man?' That was a compliment," Mendelsohn told the New York Times. "A lot of times when all the guys went to lunch, the door would literally slam in my face. I would go to lunch with the assistants, who were women." p>
  • Dourdan Criticises 'CSI' Scripts
    Gary Dourdan talked to about his disatisfaction with the CSI episode "Invisible Evidence." "I was really surprised, because the fellow who wrote it, Josh Berman, in the beginning, we were on each other's --- list," he said"

For more interesting stories from that week, check out our news archives.

Poll Results

Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:

How would you rate the 'CSI' episode 'Shooting Stars?'
9-10 60% - (298 Votes)
7-8 21.3% - (106 Votes)
5-6 7% - (35 Votes)
Wasn't able to see it. 5.4% - (27 Votes)
1-2 2.4% - (12 Votes)
Didn't want to see it. 2.2% - (11 Votes)
3-4 1.4% - (7 Votes)

Total Votes: 496

,Thanks to everyone who voted! Make sure you come back tonight after CSI: Miami to let us know how you liked the new episode,

Television Listings

  • Tonight at 10:00pm, CBS will show the brand new episode of CSI: Miami "Three-Way." Here's what's happening in the episode:

    "Three suburban housewives on a girls' weekend in Miami are the prime suspects when the hotel's handsome pool boy is found murdered. When Horatio is tipped off that his team is facing a surprise efficiency review, he must trust Calleigh, Delko and Ryan to work together to find the killer. However, when they independently follow the evidence, each discovers that their analysis points to a different killer."

  • CSI: New York's newest episode, "Corporate Warriors," airs on Wednesday night at 10 p.m. CBS describes the episode as follows:

    "When a man collapses and dies in the middle of the annual San Gennaro festival in Little Italy, the team must investigate how the victim ended up with a wood sliver in his heart. The San Gennaro festival draws over one million revelers annually, making the site a tough crime scene to process. When Stella and Danny are called to investigate a murder at this site, the clues lead them to a pool hall destroyed in a brawl. Meanwhile, Mac and Lindsay investigate the murder of a CFO found decapitated on a bench in Central Park. The investigation leads them to a financial office where the executives practice martial arts competitively. Also, Dr. Hawkes and Det. Flack investigate a suspicious apartment fire that kills a 10-year-old chess champion."

  • Lastly, on Thursday at 9:00pm, the CSI episode "Gum Drops" is set to air. This is what you can expect from it:

    "The CSI team suspects an entire family has been murdered, but cannot prove it until they find the victims' bodies. When the blood evidence suggests only three people were killed, Nick is the only one on the CSI team that believes the fourth family member, the young daughter, is still alive. Now, it's a race against time to find the perpetrators who may lead the CSIs to a possible survivor."

In addition to the above episodes on CBS, cable channel SpikeTV will of course continue its daily CSI repeats.

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