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Giovinazzo Not Excited About 'New York' Yet

By Kristine
May 17, 2004 - 9:44 PM

See Also: 'MIA/NYC - NonStop' Episode Guide

Carmine Giovinazzo, who will play Detective Danny Messer in CSI: New York admits he's wary enough of show business that he hasn't yet gotten excited over his part in the third CSI show.

"I'm not as excited as everyone else yet," he told the Staten Island Advance. He admitted that any enthusiam he might feel wouldn't come until the show aired "I can't feel good until I get a response," he commented. "This business is too whimsical, but I'm totally embracing that."

Part of his reluctance to embrace his new role could come from his film aspirations. Giovinazzo is attempting to get financing for his film, The Brink of Black, about a young Staten Island resident who wants to get out of New York. ""I guess it's not what I had in mind," Giovinazzo said of his move to television. "I thought I was going to go the film route. But maybe this will allow me to get my film going."

Audiences will be able to see Giovinazzo's character for the first time tonight, when the CSI: New York cast is introduced on CSI: Miami's episode "MIA/NYC--NONSTOP." Giovinazzo, who has performed in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Shasta McNasty, and Black Hawk Down, describes Messer as someone who is "passionate, with an urge to question all that is corrupt, a kid from the streets who studied and made good for himself."

Though the show will shoot mostly in Los Angeles, where the other two CSI shows are filmed, some production will take place in New York. Production begins in July, and Giovinazzo for one hopes that his home of Staten Island will get some screentime. "For me Staten Island was a telephone pole and a schoolyard," he commented. "Now I'm in a fantasy land, staring at mountains. Staten Island has so many wicked places that I took for granted when I was there, and I'm hoping we'll utilize them."

To read the full article, please visit the Staten Island Advance online.

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