First 'Fannysmackin'' Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahSeptember 15, 2006 - 9:10 PM
According to CSI Files sources, "Fannysmackin'" will open with the fatal beating of a casino kitchen worker in the employee parking structure behind the Tower Club Casino. Just before the pummeling begins, a series of shadows appear across the garage walls and a hooded figure comes out of the darkness, revealing an animalistic pig-like nose.
Grissom and Catherine examine the victim's battered face, which more closely resembles a pile of ground beef. Brass fills them in on the details. The victim's name is Alfonso Ruiz, a dishwasher at the Tower Club. He had nothing but his casino I.D. on him. No cash, no wallet, no car keys. There was no surveillance in the employee parking structure. The only witness is a Wayne Newton impersonator.
While in the coroner's office, Catherine discovers an unusual piece of evidence in the Alfonso Ruiz case. A cracked half of a woman's toenail with a French tip and a little rhinestone wedged deep between Ruiz' two front teeth. Ruiz is covered from head to toe in bruises and contusions of all different sizes and shapes. His body a human canvas of punishment.
A young woman walks to her motel, with a cheerful swagger, sipping from a 3-foot long souvenir cup. Sinister giggles echo off the strip, an oversized black man rides a little girl's pink bike slowly past her. The woman gets spooked and picks up her pace, half-jogging to her motel. A hooded figure with a pig-like nose sprints out of the darkness and begins punching her.
Nick and Warrick arrive on the scene of the young woman's beating. Her face doesn't look much different than Ruiz', except that she's still alive. Tears fall to the side, into her open wounds. Her wallet and cell phone are gone. Warrick reasons that the souvenir cup screams tourist, while Nick deduces that the emptied purse screams robbery.
At the hospital, the young woman, Jessica Hershberger, tells Sara she didn't see anything, but she did hear a lot of voices. She also heard them refer to her as "number two." Sara collects trace from Hershberger's face and notes on odd-shaped bruise on her lower back -- broken straight lines, a vague shape. Something other than a fist.
Detective Curtis is on the scene of a liquor store robbery. With gloved hands, she holds a gray XXL hoodie sweater. The store clerk relays to her that approximately ten hooded figures ran into the store and stole his good stuff – Alize, Patron and Hennessey. The clerk chased them out and snatched the sweater off one of their backs. The clerk noticed the man he snatched the sweater off had a deformed nose.
In the line of duty, Greg saves the life of another victim of the hooded man with the pig-like nose, Stanley Tanner. Both Greg and the critically injured Tanner wind up in the hospital. Tanner had only been in Las Vegas for twenty hours when he cut through an apartment complex while trying to catch a taxi on a side street and was brutally attacked.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"Fannysmackin'" is expected to air on the 12th of October, 2006.
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