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'CSI', 'Miami' & 'New York' Review Round-Up

By Carolina
April 15, 2006 - 10:51 AM

CBS, TV Squad, TV Guide, and Blog Critics have all provided recaps and reviews of the latest episodes of the CSI trio.

  • If you missed the CSI episode "The Unusual Suspect," start out by reading a full recap of it at

  • Fandom Talk had this to say about "The Unusual Suspect:"

    "Watching this episode is like following the White Rabbit all around Wonderland, except that you realize regrettably later on that the murder-mongering Queen of Hearts wears Alice's face. Unlike many children's fairy tales, this does not end happily."

    Read the rest of the recap here.

  • TV Guide also provided a review for "Unusual Suspects," calling it one of the best up to date. Reviewer David Steed particularly enjoyed the fact that the CSIs aren't perfect, and might fail sometimes to convict the right person, or even to convict someone at all.

  • "Spellbound" aired a week after. CBS has a complete summary of it.

  • Fandom Talk also provided a summary of the episode, but with a little more humor.

  • TV Guide praised another great episode of CSI in "Spellbound," but missed the appearance of Nick's hair. So they only made fun of Grissom's hat.

  • Start familiarizing yourself with the Miami episode "Free Fall" by reading a full recap of it at CBS.

  • TV Squad's Jonathan Toomey is so intrigued about the mole, he's willing to kill off secondary characters to find out who it might be:

    "The whole subplot with Erica (that pain in the butt reporter) was probably the best part of the episode. It finally got to the point where Wolfe was warning her that if she keeps digging into cases, then she's going to get hurt. Well it happened and she took some glass shards in her arm during a shooting. I just really don't like her character. She's not ambitious; she's cocky and naïve. I hope that something happens to her so that she's forced to reveal her source regarding the mole in the lab."

    Read his review here.

  • A full summary of the New York episode "Necrophilia Americana" is up at

  • While watching the same episode, TV Squad's Toomey recoiled with disgust at the bugs, was happy to see Jane Parsons again, and wondered if the season finale would be as mellow as the season has been. You can read his review here.

  • Meanwhile, "Necrophilia Americana" made Blog Critics's Nancy Gail wonder if Mac has had or will ever have children. Her full recap is here.

  • "Live Or Let Die" aired a week later. You can read a summary at

  • "Live Or Let Die" was enough to make TV Squad's Toomey start feeling good about CSI: New York again:

    "Since Wednesday night, I've watched this episode three times. Yes, three. That's how impressed I was with this installment. All season long I've been a CSI: NY naysayer, preaching it's flaws. Well this sets up the rest of the season. CSI: NY is back and it looks like it's finally returned to season one form."

    Read his review here.

  • The same episode, which was written by star Gary Sinise, also earned high praise from Blog Critics:

    "This episode was appealing on many levels. Not only was there a story which dominated most of the show, the writers made sure I would watch again by tying a current murder case with a previous investigation. The flashbacks with Aiden were a nice touch. She was a part of the story without actually being part of the crime team. Danny and Flack make a good team, two New York cops who are professional with no small amount of edge. Hawkes is learning just what it takes to be an investigator."

    You can read the rest of the review here.

  • And of course, don't forget to read our own Kristine Huntley's reviews of "The Unusual Suspect," "Spellbound," "Free Fall," "Necrophilia Americana," and "Live Or Let Die."

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