Things Are Not What They Seem In 'Bang, Bang, Your Debt!'
By RachelJuly 13, 2007 - 5:50 AM
See Also: 'Cyber-lebrity' Episode Guide
In the second episode of CSI: Miami's sixth season, the team investigates the death of a young girl found in a burnt SUV, and Delko sees a familiar face on the beach.
According to CSI Files sources, the episode starts as dawn arrives in Miami. On a secluded beach, Brandon Ferris and Jessica Taylor, both 19 years old, are all over each other in his SUV. They pull away from the passionate kisses and watch the sun rise over the ocean, drifting off to sleep. Brandon wakes up to find himself surrounded by smoke. He attempts to wake Jessica up as flames consume the car, but she doesn't stir. Unable to open his door, Brandon pounds on the glass, screaming for help.
Horatio and Frank survey the scene as fire and rescue put out the last of the flames surrounding the blackened SUV. EMTs cover Jessica's lifeless body with a tarp. Frank is able to find her identification in her purse. Horatio laments that such a young woman had to die. Brandon, it turns out, has survived but is in the hospital.
Calleigh and Delko find a fingerprint on the brake cylinder of the SUV and match it to Anthony Hillman. The 24-year-old is in the system for grand theft auto. Horatio questions him about the murder of Jessica Taylor. Hillman seems shocked that she is dead and tells Horatio that she was his girlfriend. Horatio suggests that Hillman found out that Jessica was cheating on him with Ferris and cut the brake line of the SUV to get back at them. Whether they got into a crash or the car caught fire, they would pay. Hillman denies this and explains that he worked on Ferris's car as a favor to Jessica. Horatio tells him not to leave town.
Alexx's autopsy reveals that Jessica Taylor had been poisoned by carbon monoxide before the fire engulfed the SUV. Delko and Natalia go to the scene and recover an exhaust pipe. If they can find out who tampered with the pipe, they can find their killer. The evidence leads the CSIs to a credit and loan company. They discover that Jessica was deep in debt. This case has gotten more complicated.
Meanwhile, Ryan goes to speak to Alexx. She apologizes for not returning his phone call. When Alexx asks him why he came, Ryan tells her that he is looking for a job as an ME's Investigator. While Ryan searches for a job, Delko must search for answers. He admits to Calleigh that he saw something on the beach. He is reluctant to tell her at first, but he eventually confesses that it was a person: Tim Speedle.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"Bang, Bang, Your Debt!" is expected to air October 1, 2007.
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