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Emily Procter Becomes A Rock Star

By Christian
May 13, 2005 - 5:12 PM

Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne) will be embarking on a second career as a rock star next week, when her band White Lightning is scheduled to play its first concert in Los Angeles.

"[It's] a power ballad cover band," Procter told Inside TV magazine (via the David Caruso Message Board). She's formed White Lightning together with Annie Livingstone, a former stand-in at CSI: Miami. Procter is the lead singer of the band, whose repertoire includes Bette Middler's "The Rose" and Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again." Procter admitted, "I am terrified!"

White Lightning will be playing its first gig on Wednesday the 18th of May at the Largo in Los Angeles, where, somewhat bizarrely, their performance is listed as "Music/Comedy." But Procter seemed intent on taking things seriously. "We all are a little stronger than we think and sometimes it's OK to be petrified," she said. "I started White Lightning because I feel that if you have an inkling that you want to do something, you should just do it-because not doing it is harder to live with."

Even if Procter is turning into a rock star now, it won't be all sex, drugs and rock & roll for her. In fact, the actress also admitted to dreaming about motherhood. "Let's just say that I'm a person with a plan and [adoption] was part of my plan and I'm giving it some very serious thought," she said. Procter refused to say if her plans also included a potential father, but did hint she was out on the dating scene again.

Should CSI: Miami fans get worried, if Procter does follow through with her plans? Inside TV didn't mention whether the actress would be leaving the show if she were to become a mother, but Procter did say she'd have to scale back her work schedule in some way. "Ultimately, I always say not much gets in the way of human beings and what they want. If you want to be the best parent you can be, that would be a choice that would be very easy to make."

More from Procter, including word of the belt buckles she bought all of her Miami co-stars, and her favorite hobby of interior decorating, can be found in the May 9 edition of Inside TV. If you'd like to attend Procter's White Lightning gig, more info can be found at the official Largo site -- please let us know if you're going, as we'd love to receive a full report! Thanks go out to Carol at the David Caruso Message Board for this!

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