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By Carolina
September 12, 2005 - 9:02 PM

Hello World!

You know what I did last week? I went to see March of the Penguins.

Don't expect me to be objective, since I adore penguins, but it was a great movie! It was basically a theatre room full of 449 five-year-olds... and me. And I was more excited about the kids. I really recommend this movie, if you're into learning (which everyone should be, cause knowledge is powah). Hell, even if you aren't, dude, there's penguins. They waddle and stuff.

Watch it. Now.

Talk CSI Files threads

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:

- In the General CSI board Islandgirl is trying to figure out if the CSI detectives ever pair up.

- Fans in the CSI: Miami board are taking a poll on which storylines are most likely to be a hit this new season. Warning, the thread contains spoilers.

- And talk about New York's newest CSI Lindsay Monroe at the CSI: New York forum.

More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!

CSI Files Two Years Ago

Here's what was happening back in early September of 2003:

  • Real CSIs Lack Resources, Says Petersen
    According to William Petersen (Gil Grissom) most labs around the country severely lack the equippment fans see on TV. "We are better equipped and have more resources at our Santa Clarita studios than 75% of the crime labs in the U.S." The actor also discussed what it’s like filming CSI and talked about Grissom’s favorite guilty pleasure, Lady Heather.

  • Critic Predicts 'CSI' Will Win Best Drama Emmy
    Critic Diane Wets predicted CSI‘s DVDs would help the drama win an Emmy. "Take note: CSI has released two DVD season-sets since the spring, which means all those I'm-too-busy-to-watch-TV Emmy voters have had a chance to catch up in digital style to how great the show looks and sounds."

  • 'CSI' Franchise Scoops Two Technical Emmys
    Though CSI was able to snag a Best Drama nomination in the 2003 Emmy’s, the series only walked away with one technical award - Outstanding Sound Editing. Miami walked home with the Outstanding Cinematography award.
For more interesting stories from that week, check out our news archives.

Poll Results

Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:

Actors Wallace Langham and Louise Lombard will become regulars this year on CSI. Yay, nay, or meh?
Nay - if the cast gets any bigger pretty soon they'll have to add another Who song to the credits. 50.1% - (492 Votes)
Meh - as long as they continue to focus on the science, I'm cool. 32.8% - (322 Votes)
Yay - the more the merrier. 17% - (167 Votes)

Total Votes: 981

,Thanks to all of those who voted! Next we'd like to know what you'll do to make time pass this week,

Happy Birthday!

Louise Lombard (Sofia Curtis) and Aisha Tyler (Mia Dickerson) will both turn 35 on the 13th and 17th of September respectively. Happy birthday to both from everyone at CSI Files!

Television Listings

  • Tonight at 10:00pm, CBS will be repeating CSI: Miami's season finale episode "One Night Stand." Here's how the show ended season 3:

    "While investigating the murder of man hired to make dirty bombs that terrorists intend to set off in Miami, Horatio finds the bloody fingerprint of his brother, Raymond, who he believed to be dead. However, when Raymond's son is kidnapped, he emerges from deep undercover and the estranged brothers must work together to save the boy. Meanwhile, while processing a crime scene, an unknown assailant holds a gun to Calleigh's head and, after a deadly confrontation in her gun lab, she is left doubting that she can continue as a CSI."

  • On Wednesday at 10:00pm, you'll be able to watch a repeat of CSI: New York's "What You See Is What You See." CBS describes the episode as follows:

    "While Mac dines at his local breakfast spot, a gunman opens fire, leaving a waitress critically injured and a man dead, and Mac having to choose whether to chase after the suspect or save the life of the young woman. Meanwhile, before the chaos, Mac was approached by a shy patron who awkwardly engaged him in conversation. After feeling that he saved her life during the shoot out, she asks him to join her for a drink and Mac must decide if he is ready to start dating after his wife's tragic death."

  • Finally, on Thursday at 9:00pm, CBS has scheduled a repeat of the original CSI's "Grave Danger." This is what you can expect from the episode:

    "After learning that a member of their team has been kidnapped and buried alive, the two CSI teams come together to try to save one of their own."

In addition to the above episodes on CBS, cable channel SpikeTV will of course continue its daily CSI repeats.

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