A Skeleton Takes A Tour Of 'NY'
By KristineAugust 12, 2004 - 10:18 PM
See Also: 'Grand Master' Episode Guide
A couple riding a tourist bus make a gruesome discovery in the upcoming CSI: New York episode "American Dreamers."
According to CSI Files sources, a young woman eagerly spots MTV studios from the top of a the double decker tour bus she's riding with her boyfriend. While the tour guide informs them about Times Square, she tells her bored-looking boyfriend that she wants to get a picture of the two of them in front of MTV. She looks across the aisle, to where a passenger appears to be dozing through the tour. She taps him on the shoulder and asks him to take a picture of them, but he doesn't respond. Gingerly, she peeks under the brim of his baseball cap, only to discover a naked human skull underneath!
Mac Taylor arrives on the scene and boards the sidelined tour bus. The body doesn't have a shred of skin on it. He begins shooting pictures of the skeleton, which is clothed in a jogging suit. The skeleton is incomplete, and many of its upper body bones have been stuffed haphazardly into a t-shirt that reads "I Love NY."
The CSIs search leads them to the Port Authority Bus Terminal, where they scan the crowd for the man who put the skeleton on the tour bus, one Lester Warren. They spot him reading a paper with the headline "Skeleton Tours Times Square" and chuckling to himself. Mac, Stella Bonasera and Detective Flack quickly surround him.
Lester's smile disappears quickly. He claims putting the skeleton on the bus was a mere prank. When Mac reveals that the autopsy showed the victim's skull was bashed in, Lester pleads his innocence. Flack asks him where he found the skeleton, but Lester clams up and wonders if he should talk to a lawyer. Stella informs him that she's the one he should talk to, while Mac goes to search the station and the area around it.
Mac and Stella try to learn the identity of their victim, but they're coming up empty. So they're all the more surprised when an older couple show up, claiming to be his parents...
Please note that these plot details have not yet been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The information comes from an early draft of the script and aspects of the episode may change before it goes to air.
"American Dreamers" will likely air in October, 2004.
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