First “Empty Eyes” Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahFebruary 12, 2007 - 5:09 AM
According to CSI Files sources, “Empty Eyes” opens with two showgirls, Libby and Cammie, arriving home from work and entering the nice Craftsmen style home they share with four other showgirls. The girls are smoking hot, even wearing sweats and with their hair pulled back. As they walk through the front door, they exchange caddy remarks about one of the other dancers, speculating that she got her role as principal dancer because she’s bad on her feet, but good on her back.
Libby and Cammie go into the messy kitchen and complain about the pigsty. A half-full wine bottle is on the counter next to two empty wine glasses. Crusty dishes are in the sink. They attribute the mess to their roommate Amber’s creepy new musician boyfriend and talk of wanting to move out.
Suddenly the loud thump of hip hop music fills the room, bleeding through the ceiling above. They exchange WTF looks and head upstairs to investigate the source of the music. Along their way, they pass a sexy black bra hanging off a stair rail, then a tank top.
Libby asks if the music is coming from her room. Cammie says it is and hence, is Libby’s problem. Libby disappears down the hallway.
Just as Cammie is about to open her bedroom door, she hears a shriek, muffled by the music. Cammie goes down the hall to Libby’s room and inches the door open. She calls out for Libby. No answer.
An arm snakes out from behind the door and grabs Cammie’s wrist, pulling her inside. She struggles against her unseen attacker, but is no match for his strength. The door flies open as she’s pulled out of frame to reveal two of her roommates, Amber and Jenn, on the floor, mouths gagged, wrists and ankles bound, terror in their eyes.
Three hours later, Sara, Warrick, Grissom, Nick, Greg and Brass are at the scene. Bloody shoeprints are on visible on the stairs. Not there earlier when we saw Libby and Cammie walk up them. The angle of the toe print indicates that blood was tracked down the stairs.
Sara shines her maglite into the darkness underneath a bed. All of a sudden, a bloody hand shoots out from underneath the bed and scratches Sara’s face. Sara draws her gun, adrenaline racing. Grissom and Warrick rush in to assist Sara. A raspy female voice comes from underneath the bed. “Help me.” Sara’s maglite illuminates Cammie’s pale face. She’s still alive. Sara takes her bloody hand, telling her it’s going to be alright and telling Grissom and Warrick to call an ambulance.
Cammie can barely speak through her slashed throat. She manages to tell Sara her name, that a man did this to her and makes references to “pour wine” and “breast knife” that Sara doesn’t understand. Cammie clings to life as she talks to Sara, but dies just as the siren of the approaching ambulance is heard.
Sara examines the half-empty wine bottle downstairs and thinks it might be a clue to the killers identity, as Cammie had said, “pour wine.” The bottle has a personalized label on it reading, “Thanks for everything, Angels. Love, Charlie.”
The CSIs note that the house alarm had been disabled. Perhaps who ever disabled the alarm committed the murders.
Brass interrogates Jake Benedetto, a retro hipster real estate mini-mogul, who appears as if he’s seen the movie “Swingers” too many times. Benedetto rents homes exclusively to showgirls because they always have jobs, pay on time and if they come up short, he’s flexible if they are. When asked why he disabled the alarm at 3705 Nugget Way, home to the murdered showgirls, he explains that they set it off three times the first week they moved in. When he rolled the bill down to them, they asked him to disable the alarm. Upon learning the girls had been murdered, Benedetto’s cool façade crumbles.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
“Empty Eyes” is expected to air on the 1st of March, 2007.
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