'Tri-Borough,' 'Sherlock' Win Praise From Reviewers
By ChristianJanuary 12, 2005 - 3:37 PM
Now that the Christmas rerun season has passed and CBS is airing mostly new episodes again, online reviewers have also returned from their breaks. Below you can find a round-up of what reviewers had to say about the CSI episodes that aired over the past week:
- Ann Hodgman at Entertainment Weekly was the only reviewer to look at "Tri-Borough," as the TV Guide people joined a large part of the general public by watching the Alias season opener instead of CSI: New York. According to Hodgman, TV Guide missed out, as she noticed a clear improvement in the show's quality:
Word is that the CSI: NY producers have been listening to complaints that the series was too dark — both literally and figuratively. This ep takes place during the daytime, thank God. And it makes excellent use of uniquely New York settings: small, pretentious galleries, the murky subway, Brooklyn neighborhoods filled with lawn statuary, and . . . well, construction sites where crapsicles fall on people's heads.
More thoughts from Hodgman about "Tri-Borough" can be found in her full review. Oddly enough, she seems to have stopped providing letter grades for each episode. - On Thursday, TV Guide Watercooler writer Rochell Thomas did tune in for the regular CSI's "Who Shot Sherlock?" "I am officially a CSI groupie," she wrote in her television review column. "But if my friends love me, they will take away my fingerprint kit and stop me before I make like tonight's Sherlock Holmes freaks and convert one of my rooms into a copy of the CSI crime lab. That's all I'm saying."
- This week's most positive reviewer was Television Without Pity's Sobell, who wrote in her short recaplet of "Who Shot Sherlock?" that it "was one of the most solidly-written, smart, and entertaining episodes to come along in a great while." In the recaplet, which is a preview of the full recap to be published later this week, both Sobell and the TWoP visitors awarded the episode a full A.
- For EW's Ann Hodgman, "Who Shot Sherlock?" also was a success:
Though this has to be one of the doofiest CSI episodes ever -- rivaled only by the infamous ''Fur and Loathing'' from season 4 -- it has a cozy, delectable feel. Fake Brit accents! Crumpets and shag tobacco! Guns hidden in chimneys! It's like those old Star Treks where the Enterprise crew suddenly ended up at the OK Corral or shaking hands with Mark Twain. You wouldn't want every episode to be like this one, but it makes a nice change.
Again, for more head over to the full review. - Finally, if you'd like to read even more about the CSI episodes that aired over the past week, our own Kristine Huntley's reviews of "Tri-Borough" and "Who Shot Sherlock?" are still available, as well as that of Monday's "Pro Per" repeat. The "Pro Per" repeat is also discussed in the Entertainment Weekly review.
Do you know of any other sites that publish regular CSI reviews, or do you write episode reviews of your own? Let us know so we can link to them in future review round-ups!
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