Site Columns
By KristineJanuary 12, 2004 - 4:36 PM
Hello World!
In one of our recent polls, we asked what visitors here at CSI Files wanted to see on CSI and CSI: Miami in the upcoming year. "Relationships between some of the main characters" won by a landslide, taking over 41% of the votes. "More of the character's backgrounds/families" came in second, with over 23% of the vote.
So, it sounds like you want to know more about these guys, eh? Me, too. The writers have done a good job of subtly setting up potential for relationships between several of the characters. We might even be getting a revelation this week; TV Guide hints that (beware minor spoilers if you avoid episode descriptions before they air!), "Grissom can't help but examine his feelings for Sara when a dead woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to her is discovered as part of a double murder he's investigating." Sounds intriguing!
But relationships on television shows are trickly things. Generally, a vocal part of the fandom would like to see the couple in question together, while another, equally vocal section feels just as strongly about not seeing the couple get together. There are always rival pairings that compete for attention, and some people think relationships have no place on the show in question, be it a show like CSI or Law & Order or Star Trek.
My personal feeling about it is that they should go for it. A pairing, whether expected or unexpected, usually does make for an exciting spate of episodes. If Grissom and Sara did get together, they'd have to grapple with balancing their personal relationship with their professional one. They'd worry about each other, and probably about who might find out. They'd learn more about each other, find things they like, and things perhaps they don't like.
Take a look at this week's poll and vote for the couple you think should be given a shot on either CSI or CSI: Miami!
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Talk CSI BBS:
-CSI: Miami ratings
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent TrekToday poll:
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to David Caruso (Horatio Caine), who turned 48 on January 7th!
Today's Television Listings
Tonight, CBS will show a new episode of CSI: Miami, entitled "Witness to Murder". Here is TV Guide's synopsis of the episode:
A diamond broker carrying $2 million in merchandise is murdered after his car is hit by another vehicle and he gets out to confront the driver. The only witness to the crime is a developmentally challenged man who says the killer is someone named Colton. Outside of town, Speedle and Delko investigate the death of a teenage girl discovered at a rest stop with a broken neck. Shortly after the victim is taken from the scene, her body disappears during transport to Miami.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigations will be airing its brand new episode "Butterflied" on Thursday, January 15th at 9pm eastern time. Here is TV Guide's summary of the episode:
Grissom can't help but examine his feelings for Sara when a dead woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to her is discovered as part of a double murder he's investigating. A second dismembered body is soon located in nearby trash cans. Making the case tough to crack is the fact that the killer took extraordinary measures to clean up after himself.
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