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By Carolina
October 10, 2005 - 11:00 PM

Hello World!

Well, fall is here, which means it's been raining for about a week now and it seems it'll never stop raining. I started building an arc, but I'm not saving the frogs - frogs scare me.

So I decided to buy the Firefly DVDs. If you never saw the series, wow, you missed a lot. Basically it's about space cowboys and revels and there's even space prostitutes! What's not to love? Unfortunately, Fox cancelled the series before it had a chance to build an audience, which is what Fox always does, cancel the good shows, keep the bad ones. Fortunately, the Firefly people never gave up and now we have a Firefly movie - Serenity - go see it! Even if you never watched the series, you'll be able to understand the plot. I promise, funniest movie you'll see in a while. At the theatres, at least.

Talk CSI Files threads

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:

- Head over to the CSI: New York forum to give your opinion on Vanessa Ferlito's (Aiden Burn) departure.

- Do you think CSI relies too much on fetishes or killer teenagers? Talk about the CSI cliches at the General CSI Discussion board.

- And is the city of Miami not big enough for two pairs of sunglasses? Alexx's sunglasses might give The Sunglasses of Justice a run for their money at the CSI: Miami board.

More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!

CSI Files Two Years Ago

Here's what was hot back in October of 2003:

For more interesting stories from that week, check out our news archives.

Poll Results

Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:

How would you rate the 'CSI' episode 'Bite Me?'
9-10 57.3% - (167 Votes)
7-8 21.9% - (64 Votes)
Wasn't able to see it. 9.2% - (27 Votes)
5-6 5.4% - (16 Votes)
Didn't want to see it. 2.4% - (7 Votes)
3-4 1.7% - (5 Votes)
1-2 1.7% - (5 Votes)

Total Votes: 291

,Thanks to everyone who voted! Come back tonight at 11 pm to let us know how you liked the new episode of Miami,

Television Listings

  • Tonight at 10:00pm, CBS will show the brand new episode of CSI: Miami "48 Hours To Life." Here's what's happening in the fourth episode of the season:

    "After a young man confesses to murder and could fall victim to the county jail system, Horatio and the team must uncover the truth. Despite Tripp securing a written confession from Tobey Hollins who admits to committing murder, the evidence tells Horatio that Tobey is innocent. As Horatio races to prove his innocence, Tobey waits for his arraignment in prison and ends up killing another inmate in alleged self-defense. Now, the pressure is on for the CSIs to find out the true culprit in both cases before the system swallows up Tobey for the rest of his life."

  • CSI: New York premieres on Wednesday night at 10 p.m. with the episode "Zoo York." CBS describes the episode as follows:

    "When a man is torn to pieces by a tiger at the New York animal conservatory, Mac and Danny must discover who was responsible for getting him there. While investigating a vicious tiger mauling at a New York zoo, the CSIs question the workers at the meatpacking plant the victim owned. Meanwhile, Stella and Dr. Hawkes must solve the murder of a debutante found dead on a Central Park carousel. Also, a new CSI joins the team."

  • Lastly, on Thursday at 9:00pm, CSI’s second episode "Shooting Stars" is set to air. This is what you can expect from it:

    "When one cult member turns up missing at a mass suicide crime scene, Grissom and his team investigate whether the small cult really committed suicide or were murdered. A middle of the night break-in at a suburban home on the edge of the Vegas desert leads the CSIs to discover an abandoned military compound being used to house a small cult. Once inside, they discover a mass suicide has taken place. However, with 11 bodies and 12 beds, Grissom surmises that the killer may be the one body missing."

In addition to the above episodes on CBS, cable channel SpikeTV will of course continue its daily CSI repeats.

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