CBS Releases 'Extreme' Trailer
By KristineDecember 10, 2003 - 2:07 PM
See Also: 'Extreme' Episode Guide
Last night, CBS ran the promo for next Monday's brand new episode of CSI: Miami, entitled "Extreme."
The episode revolves around the kidnapping on Nikki Wilcox, a rich girl whose boyfriend had her kidnapped as a birthday present, so that both could enjoy the pleasures of "rescue sex" after he saved her.
The 30-second trailer is available for download online from the official CBS web site. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:
- [Hooded man grabs Nikki Wilcox in front of a white van]
- [Nikki screams]
- [Man throws a sack over her head and shoves her in the van]
- [A man and a woman are seen kissing through a fence]
- [Couple kisses again; the man puts his hand around the woman's waist; they kiss passionately]
- Man's voice (voiceover as images continue): "The only thing hotter than make up sex is rescue sex."
- [Close up of hand counting money]
- [A woman is thrown roughly to the ground]
- [Focus on a couple on the groud; the man is on top of the woman]
- [Focus goes down to her boot; she appears to be struggling]
- [Focus on the front passenger side wheel of the white van as it speeds away]
- [Close up on Nikki, bound and gagged, apparently in a box with holes cut out for breathing; she's struggling]
- Horatio (voice over) Somebody changed the rules of the game.
- [Close up on young man with blue eyes and a lip ring through his bottom lip]
- [Close up on a dark-haired man with a goatee]
- Man's voice (voice over): She must have fought back.
- [Close up on earnest looking clean shaven young man]
- [Close up on African American man with a goatee]
- [Close up on Horatio, looking down at someone off camera]
- Horatio: She fought back, and it got her killed.
- [Nikki screams]
To download the trailer in streaming Real Media format, head over to the CBS web site.
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