'CSI' Celebrates 100 Episodes With 'Ch-Ch-Changes'
By CaillanOctober 10, 2004 - 4:17 AM
See Also: 'Ch-Ch-Changes' Episode Guide
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's one hundredth episode will reportedly offer up a case that will challenge the prejudices of Gil Grissom and his team as they delve into Las Vegas' transgender community.
Reportedly entitled "Ch-Ch-Changes", the November sweeps instalment is set to revolve around a transgendered woman, Wendy Clancy, found brutally murdered in her car by the side of the highway, according to CSI Files sources. Wendy's throat has been slashed, and her genital area mutilated. Her shoes are covered in blood. The last person to see her alive was a police office who was intending to book her for speeding, but let her off with a warning. One thing stands out in his mind: she was definitely in a hurry.
Wendy Clancy, a showgirl at the Tropicana Club, was engaged to marry Aaron Laner, who doesn't know that his wife-to-be used to be a man. Grissom, Brass and Sara turn up at his house to break the news. He tells the CSIs he thought Wendy was spending the night at a friend's place. While Brass and Grissom question Aaron, Sara sets about investigating the house the couple shared. In the bathroom, Sara finds sanitary pads with blood on them, which is a biological impossibility, since Wendy was born a man. It turns out she was drawing blood from other parts of her body then placing them on her pads to prove to herself (and her fiance) that she was a woman.
Next stop is the Tropicana Club. Catherine and Grissom break the news of Wendy's death to her fellow showgirls, who are devastated. They tell the CSIs that Wendy's sex change was performed by a certain Dr. Bower, who is well known as the go-to guy for this sort of thing. Dr. Bower says he turned Wendy down as a candidate for gender re-assignment surgery, saying that she was after a quick-fix without the necessary hormone therapy and adjustment period.
Wendy was having difficulty adjusting to her new life, hence the faking of her periods. One of Wendy's closest friends, Mimosa, reveals that she was seeing a therapist, Dr. Mona Lavelle. When Grissom visits her clinic, Dr. Lavelle tells him that she saw Wendy for an individual session on the night that she died. She says Wendy was anxious about having sex as a woman for the first time and was concerned about her fiance finding out that she was born a man.
Mia, Greg's replacement in the lab, comes through with the results of the blood found on Wendy's shoes the night she was stabbed. The blood was definitely not Wendy's, nor did it belong to the police officer who stopped her that night. One thing is certain, however — if the blood belongs to the killer, then the attacker is a man. But that doesn't necessarily mean he still looks like one...
Please note that these plot details have not yet been confirmed by Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour from an unofficial source. The information comes from an early draft of the script and aspects of the episode may change before it goes to air.
"Ch-Ch-Changes" is reportedly set to air in November, 2004.
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