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Mac Ventures Into The 'Rain'

By Caillan
October 10, 2004 - 4:11 AM

See Also: 'Three Generations Are Enough' Episode Guide

What do a Chinatown bank, an off-Broadway theatre and a kidnapped baby have in common? They're all vital parts of the puzzle being investigated by Mac Taylor in the eighth episode of CSI: New York.

The episode, reportedly entitled "Rain", will revolve around the robbery of the First National Bank in Chinatown, according to CSI Files sources. The perpetrators break in to the bank's safe deposit vault, but while in there, they knock over an oxyacetylene tank and gas starts to spew forth. In the ensuing shoot-out with security, bullets ignite the volatile gas and cause a massive explosion which kills one of the bank robbers.

When the CSIs come onto the scene, the other robber is nowhere to be found. Detective Flack asks Albert Hummel, the security guard, whether he was able to get a glimpse at the perpetrators' faces, but he says he can't remember anything. Joanne Cho, the bank manager, tells Stella a similar story — she says she ducked under her desk when she heard the explosion rock the bank. During the interview, Stella notices a small wet spot on Joanne's blouse, which the bank manager quickly covers up.

Danny analyses the safety deposit boxes the robbers targeted. Many of the bank's Chinese patrons keep their valuable in boxes that add up to the number eight (ie: 17, 53), because the Chinese believe eight is a lucky number. However, the thieves specifically went for other boxes that did not feature the number eight, and those boxes contained over ten thousand dollars worth of valuables. Stella quickly surmises that the robbers must have had someone on the inside.

Joanne Cho is called back in for questioning. Stella asks after her baby. Joanne stalls, asking if she's being charged with anything. Stella gets right to the point: she noticed the milk stain on Joanne's blouse, caused by excess build-up of milk. If Joanne had fed her baby the night before the robbery, the excess milk would not have leaked out of her breast. Before too long, the truth is out: Joanne Cho's baby has been kidnapped.

Stella analyses the baby's clothes, which is embedded with small flakes of white material. Stella initially thinks they could be flakes from the stuffing of diapers, but they don't match. Soon it clicks: the material is fake snow, often used in theatre productions. The CSIs trace the snow back to a production at an off-Broadway theatre which closed within one week. Backstage, Mac and Stella find the dead body of the other bank robber. The question now remains: who has the baby?

Please note that these plot details have not yet been confirmed by Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour from an unofficial source. The information comes from an early draft of the script and aspects of the episode may change before it goes to air.

"Rain" will likely air in late 2004.

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