Site Columns
By CaillanMarch 10, 2003 - 12:59 PM
Hello World!
Welcome to the first-ever CSI Files Site Columns! This regular Monday feature incorporates the following sections:
- Hello World! - An opinion column by the CSI Files editors, in which we offer our opinions on topics ranging from television to our coffee machine which never works. This is our personal little soapbox on the Internet, and views expressed here are our own, and not that of CSI Files.
- Talk CSI Today - In this section we provide links to some of the more interesting discussions currently going on at our message board, Talk CSI.
- CSI Poll - Twice a week we publish a new poll question, asking readers to rate the latest CSI or CSI: Miami episode. Other CSI-related questions will be asked in rerun weeks.
- Television Listings - We provide a brief look at the week's CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and CSI: Miami episodes on CBS, as well as the reruns on cable network TNN.
I'm Caillan, and I'll be your friendly neighbourhood CSI Files editor most days, together with Antony and Christian, when he's not trying to make sure the web site doesn't collapse after I've stuffed up the latest poll results or messed up the episode guide. I am definitely not the technical brains around here, and tend to get by with The Idiot's Guide To HTML or (shock! horror!) one of those WYSIWYG editors.
In real life I'm a third-year Classics & Ancient History student at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. When I mention this to people, I usually get a blank stare followed by the question "What are you going to do with a degree in that?" I then make a note never to speak to them again and go and gossip with my fellow classicists about how boring it must be to study International Business. (Cue ten angry emails from International Business students...)
I hope you enjoy what's on offer here at CSI Files. I've only recently been introduced to the show, but was instantly hooked, and I look forward to writing about one of the best series on television. We try to cover every angle, from spoilers for upcoming episodes to the other projects of CSI alumni. If you have an idea for a feature article or would like to see something particular covered on the site, feel free to email me at
Talk CSI Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:
- Does CSI have too much gore?
- What do you think of the development of the Grissom/Sara relationship?
- Do you prefer CSI: Miami over the original CSI?
More topics can be found at Talk CSI!
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:
Thanks for voting! Please participate in our new poll, which asks you to rate tonight's CSI: Miami episode, "Dispo Day".
This Week's Television Listings
- CBS will be showing CSI Miami's "Dispo Day" at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time tonight. Here's the official synopsis of the episode:
A police convoy headed across town includes an unmarked truck filled with confiscated drugs being taken to an incinerator to be destroyed. The trip ends abruptly when thieves hijack the vehicle, kill its driver and shoot Speedle, who was riding shotgun. It's hard for Horatio when the media draw comparisons to a similar case 10 years ago in which his cop brother was killed. But it's worse for his team when Internal Affairs decides that one of them tipped off the robbers about the delivery.
- TNN will be showing CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's "Overload" tonight at 11:00 p.m. The official description of this episode is as follows:
Grissom investigates a possible suicide at a high-profile construction site. Against the wishes of the Sheriff, Grissom pushes to get at the truth of the matter-he thinks the suicide was actually a homicide, and uses theories on electrocution to look for his killer. Meanwhile, Nick and Catherine take on a case with little more than angora fibers to follow. A teenage boy dies while in session with his female psychologist, and traces of angora on his underwear make them believe the psychologist may be practicing very unconventional methods of "therapy."
- On Thursday, March 13, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, CBS will be showing CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's "Crash and Burn". Here's how the network describes the episode:
The accident is a bizarre and seemingly random one involving an elderly woman who killed and injured several people when she drove her car through the front of a bar crowded with happy-hour patrons. Among those hurt is Sara's EMT boyfriend, Hank. While Sara is rocked by his injury at first, she soon manages to work the case in her usual professional manner. But her emotions begin to get the best of her once again as she learns disturbing news about Hank's presence in the bar. Elsewhere, a woman dies of carbon-monoxide poisoning, and Grissom quickly decides it was no accident.
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