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By MichelleFebruary 9, 2004 - 4:13 AM
Hello World!
It is my great pleasure to announce that this week, the Trek Nation will see the return of Dr. Caillan Davenport. Professor Davenport has been in Canberra, lecturing on something that's all Greek to me, quite literally. I'll let him explain when he's here!
In other news, my son's gerbils, Aragorn and Boromir, who have happily shared a cage since we got them as very young rodents, had a terrible falling-out at the beginning of the week. Boromir attacked Aragorn, bit his foot, and had to be moved into a different cage. Jokes about the terrible influence of the One Ring aside, this has been traumatic for Aragorn, who is sad and spends most of his time sleeping when he used to be a very playful gerbil; for my kids, who don't understand why Boromir turned so mean; and for me, whose hand got in the middle of the struggle, requiring a bandage and a tetanus shot. If my review on Wednesday sounded like it was written in some other language, it's because I had an injection-induced fever and a very sore typing hand!
However, we have two squirrels who hang out on our deck and are setting an admirable example of small animal behavior, as they share the birdseed they conspire together to knock loose from our allegedly squirrel-proof birdfeeder. (Please note that anyone trying to sell you a squirrel-proof birdfeeder is advertising falsely; there is no such thing.) I have named the squirrels after Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin from Master and Commander, and although they have not played and violin and cello duets, they have built a large nest in one of the trees and chittered happily at my cats through the window.
It's television sweeps month, isn't it? Funny time for it; now that the light is returning to this part of the hemisphere in the evenings, I have little urge to watch and would rather look out the window. They should move it back a month, to January.
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Today's Television Listings
Monday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, CBS will show "Slow Burn" on CSI Miami. Here's a synopsis of the episode:
A hunter is found dead in the Florida everglades from a gunshot wound.
Thursday night at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the CSI episode "Paper or Plastic" will air. The TV Guide synopsis states:
Grissom confronts a nemesis on the police force when he probes an officer's role in a shooting spree inside a small grocery store that left five people dead. The same cop had threatened Grissom after Gil investigated LVPD involvement in a homicide. In the current case, the officer claims he gunned down two robbers and shot at a third masked suspect, but there is no evidence that a third thief was present. There is evidence, however, that a bullet from the cop's gun killed an innocent shopper.
On Spike TV at 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, you can catch a rerun of the CSI episode "The Execution of Catherine Willows":
Fifteen years ago, Catherine helped put John Mathers on death row for the rape and murder of a coed at a nearby college. Her body was dumped in a trash bag, and two other girls found the same way were also linked to the suspect. As the episode opens, Mathers is about to be executed when he's granted a stay based on new DNA evidence. But while Catherine awaits the results of tests on hair samples found on the first victim, another girl at the same school is murdered...and discarded just like the first three---meaning the wrong man could be behind bars.
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