CSI Files RSS Feed Launches
By ChristianMay 9, 2005 - 7:35 PM
Do you want the latest CSI Files headlines delivered to you directly? We've just launched a new RSS feed that will allow you to receive our CSI news articles as soon as we publish them!
If you're already familiar with RSS, you can simply add our news feed at http://www.csifiles.com/headlines/rss.xml to your favorite news reader. We've also got feeds available for our two sister sites: a Get Desperate! feed, featuring daily updated Desperate Housewives news, and a TrekToday feed, featuring daily headlines on all aspects of the Star Trek universe.
RSS is a new service that many sites are now using to deliver news and content directly to you, so you no longer have to click through all of these sites to see if they've updated. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, depending on who you ask, but we prefer the first explanation, as it allows you to stay up to date with all your interests with much less effort.
In order to make use of RSS you'll need something called a feed reader -- a program that allows you to display and subscribe to as many RSS feeds as you want. Several browsers have RSS plugins available, while for others you will need a standalone program. You can find a list of such programs through Google. If you'd prefer not to download a separate program, several web sites exist that also allow you to follow several RSS feeds at the same time, including Bloglines, NewsIsFree and My Yahoo! -- click on any of these links to automatically add the CSI Files feed to those sites.
Once you've downloaded a feed reader, you should go to our RSS feed page. You'll see a page consisting of XML-coded gibberish, but once you copy the URL of the feed, choose the option to add a new feed to your feed reader, and then paste the URL in the appropriate feed, your feed reader will begin tracking CSI Files headlines. From then on, you can just sit back and enjoy geting the latest CSI news delivered to your computer whenever we update our headlines.
If you'd like more information about our RSS feeds, and the various options we offer to include CSI Files content on your own web sites, head over to our syndication area. If you'd like to get some more info on RSS, head over to this article on XMLFiles.com. Finally, if you'd like the CSI Files RSS feed URL one more time, it's http://www.csifiles.com/headlines/rss.xml. Tell your friends!
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Also a Desperate Housewives fan? Then visit GetDesperate.com!