'CSI: Miami' Season Premiere Revealed
By CarolinaJuly 8, 2005 - 11:45 PM
See Also: 'From The Grave' Episode Guide
The first episode of CSI: Miami's fourth season will see the introduction of a new character and the return of an old face.
According to CSI Files sources, the episode begins at the scene of an impending crime. Alonzo Fuentes has been released from prison for a day so he can attend his mother's burial. Affected by the grief, he asks his escorting officer to remove the handcuffs; he doesn't want his mother to see him with them on. However, when the officer does not comply, Alonzo removes them by force. Intent on seeing his mother's face for the last time, he runs to her casket and opens it. But he doesn't find his mother's body inside. Instead, a man wearing a black ski mask pulls out a gun and fires. The funeral attendees scream and run for cover as Alonzo hits the ground, dead.
Detective Frank Tripp is talking to witnesses and making notes when Horatio Caine arrives. Alonzo had been sent to prison for cocaine distribution, a profession where enemies are easily formed. But while inspecting Alonzo's body, Alexx Woods finds the tattoo of a pitchfork. Horatio knows it is no ordinary tattoo, as the pitchfork happens to be the preferred sign of a new gang called Mal Noche (or Bad Night). He would also like to know how the body of Alonzo's mother was taken out of the casket without someone noticing. The owner of the mortuary has a lot to explain. But there's no time to launch a massive investigation, as soon the men of Mal Noche strike again -- this time at the house of the well-off Livingston family.
Horatio and Delko arrive at the Livingston's house, where it is clear that there's been a break-in. Though the Livingston family had time to hide in their panic room, their housekeeper, Celia Gonzales, wasn't as lucky. She's been raped, and it turns out the physical trauma caused her to lose the baby she'd been carrying. Horatio promises to bring her attacker to justice, and risking his own life, he must now find the connection between the two crime scenes and lock the men responsible for Alonzo's death and Celia's rape behind bars.
Back at the lab, Delko brings important evidence on the Mal Noche case to a new DNA Analyst. Natalia Boa Vista has been brought in with a special grant to solve cold cases, and she doesn't miss an opportunity to remind the CSIs of the fact. Delko is miffed that Boa Vista prefers to work on cases that are years old, and doesn't seem to care that a woman was raped that day and the person responsible might do it again. It's not the first time Boa Vista clashes with a CSI, and Maxine Valera, back on the job, immediately senses the tension. Boa Vista is here to stay, but the presence of this new regular character at the lab will no doubt be a great source of tension.
Also back in the season premiere is Calleigh Duquesne, who, due to the traumatic events of "10-7," is now working strictly in toxicology. Though the former Bullet Girl isn't happy with her new position, in typical Calleigh fashion, she puts on a brave front. Filling her old shoes is Jim Marsh, a young ballistics expert who, according to Calleigh, cares more about his music than the bullets in front of him. It's plain to her co-workers that Calleigh's passion for guns hasn't subsided, but the young CSI might be too proud, and too haunted, to admit it and regain her old position.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
Episode 1 (which has yet to be named) of Miami's season four is set to premiere late September.
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