Mendelsohn Offers First Glimpse Of Season 6
By CarolinaJuly 8, 2005 - 1:39 AM
Carol Mendelsohn and Danny Cannon this month attended Crime Scene 2005 in London, where Mendelsohn made brief mention of some of the storylines planned for season 6.
According the writer, the mysterious Lady Heather will return to the show. The character was first introduced in the season 2 episode "Slaves of Las Vegas" and made a second appearance in "Lady Heather's Box," in which a sexual relationship between her and front-man Gil Grissom was implied. As actress Melinda Clark is currently starring in The OC, the character will most likely be featured in one episode, as she has in the past.
Also back for season 6 will be one of the characters featured in the season finale episode "Grave Danger." Though Mendelsohn did not reveal who, all signs point to Kelly Gordon, daughter of Walter Gordon, the man who kidnapped Nick Stokes and buried him alive. According to Walter Gordon, his daughter was incarcerated unjustly, which prompted him to plan his revenge on the CSIs. Kelly was featured in the last scene of the season, when CSI Stokes visited her in jail.
While in London, Mendelsohn took the opportunity to discuss the possibility of bringing Grissom to the city. Originally, the character was supposed to travel to England during season 5, but scheduling conflicts put the plans on hold. The London storyline hasn't been discarded, however, as Mendelsohn revealed that if it doesn't occur this season, then it will be explored during season seven. Series creator Anthony Zuiker has already toyed with the idea of taking the franchise abroad (news).
Meanwhile, Danny Cannon talked about the music of CSI, mainly the three main songs, which are sung by the British band The Who. Though Cannon claimed it was his idea to have all Who songs, Mendelsohn later joked that everyone takes credit for it. The director also told a few humorous anecdotes about his experiences while directing the episodes "Cross-Jurisdictions" and "MIA/NYC Nonstop."
Head over to Your Tax Dollars At Work for a report on Crime Scene 2005. Thanks to Kohoutek at the message boards for also providing information on the event.
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