CBS Releases 'No More Bets' Trailer
By KristineMay 8, 2004 - 4:20 PM
See Also: 'No More Bets' Episode Guide
CBS recently released the trailer for next week's new episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigations, "No More Bets."
When suspicion lands on Sam Braun, Catherine's biological father, in a case the CSIs are investigating, Grissom removes Catherine from the case.
The 30-second promo is available for download from the official CBS web site. For those of you with limited bandwidth, here is a transcript of the trailer:
- [Shot travels down an unlit sign to a young man's dead body]
- [A roulette wheel spins]
- Warrick: "They said they figured out a way to beat the roulette wheel."
- [Warrick and Grissom examine a roulette table in the CSI lab]
- [Close up on Grissom as he lifts an object]
- [Close up on ball sliding into roulette slot]
- [Close up on cheating device]
- Warrick: "I've been in Vegas my whole life. I've seen guys beat the house with their hands, but never with their toes."
- [A dead man in a fat suit lies on the examining table]
- [Craps table seen from above]
- [Close up on Grissom, his gaze moving up]
- [The CSIs surround a dead body in a hotel room; one photographs him]
- [Roulette wheel spins]
- Sam Braun (off camera): "You can't crush a roulette table like that."
- [Brass and Nick chase a suspect]
- [The suspect grabs onto a fence, preparing to climb over it]
- [Close up on Grissom]
- Grissom: "Well, maybe it was an inside job, Sam."
- [Several small drops of blood fall on a white surface]
- [Close up of Grissom in goggles]
- Grissom (to Catherine): "You can't be on this case."
- [Close up of Catherine in a baseball cap]
- [Catherine hands an object to Grissom]
- [Grissom walks towards a car in the CSI labs]
- [Close up on Sara]
- Sara: "You said you didn't have a problem with me."
- [Close up on Grissom as he turns]
- Grissom: "I don't."
- [A flashlight shines on a man, his back to the camera]
- Man {off camera): "There's no law against a row."
- [Close up on young chubby man]
- Young man: "You can't touch me."
- [Several men force him backwards as he screams]
- [Close up on Sam Braun]
- Sam: "I did not kill those kids!"
- [Close up on Catherine, looking troubled]
- [Shot travels down an unlit sign to a young man's dead body]
To download the promo in Real Media format, please visit
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