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By CarolinaJune 7, 2005 - 12:09 AM
Hello World!
This week, I'll have the honor of meeting a couple of message board ladies in Chicago for the Lt. Dan Band benefit concert on Saturday. As you all know, of course, the bass player for the band is none other than Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor), who I've been a fan of since I was a fetus. Of course I'll be updating on Monday to let you all in the details, and I'll even post some pictures for your viewing pleasures. And if you don't hear from me by Monday, I've either died of delight or am being held in an Illinois prison for attempting to jump the stage. Either way, rest assured I'll be happy.
Talk CSI Files threads
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:
- He may be a bastard, but what would the CSI crew do without him? Talk about David Hodges at the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
- Because knowledge is power, the folks at the Forensics Science board are answering questions about Physics and CSI. Join the fun!
- At the General CSI Discussion, fans would like to know, which CSI would you most get along with?
More topics can be found at the Talk CSI! CSI Files Two Years Ago Here's what was hot back in early June of 2003:
More news can be found in the archives. Poll Results Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:
Thank you for voting on our last poll! For our next survey we'd like to know, who makes you feel cool like a real woman should?
Happy Birthday! Today, Sonya Walger (Jane Parsons) is celebrating her birthday, and on the 9th, Brian Poth (Tyler Jenson) will be turning 30 years young. Happy birthday to both from everyone at CSI Files! Today's Television Listings
Max Allan Collins two years ago was getting ready to release his CSI comic book, Bad Rap.
Collins was also getting ready to release his first CSI: Miami novel, Florida Getaway. "The case begins in Vegas with Grissom and crew," Max Allan Collins told CSI Files, "and then in the next chapter the ball is passed to Horatio Caine, with various Vegas personnel making (telephone) appearances as the case develops."
The 2003 Emmy Awards voters were being bombarded with CSI subliminal messages, as both Variety and the Hollywood Reporter ran "For Your Consideration" advertisements featuring the casts of CSI and CSI: Miami.
Which season finale impressed you the most?
74.9% - (873
CSI: Miami
11.7% - (137
All three
8.2% - (96
CSI: New York
3.3% - (39
1.7% - (20
In addition, Spike TV will be repeating CSI episodes at least twice daily for the rest of the week. A full listing of their upcoming episodes can be found here at"After a bitter custody battle, shots are fired outside the courthouse and the CSIs must find the shooter. Bullets fly and the target is the little girl's mother. Horatio goes after the father, who he suspects may not be the girl's biological father after all. However, when the mother's shady past is uncovered, the team finds that she has a lot of enemies who would like to take a shot at her. Meanwhile, Calleigh's father returns to the crime lab for her guidance but for an unexpected reason."
"Mac examines the mysterious disappearance of a stock brocker while Stella investigates the murder of a woman thrown off the roof of a church. Panic ensues on a New York trading floor when a briefcase is left behind with no owner. The briefcase’s contents are traced back to a stock broker who mysteriously disappeared after investigating another broker’s illegal trades. Meanwhile, Stella investigates the death of a pregnant counselor found next to the church where she worked."
"Grissom connects two murdered male escorts to dominatrix Lady Heather; Catherine's daughter, Lindsay, is trapped in a sinking car."
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