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‘Obsession’ Promo Available Online

By Deborah
January 7, 2007 - 3:23 AM

CBS has released the promo for the new CSI:New York episode “Obsession.”

In this episode, a man found dead in the snow with a price tag hanging from inside his stomach leads the CSIs to the annual Idiotard race where young New Yorkers in creative costumes race decorated shopping carts from Brooklyn to Manhattan as if they were dog sleds.

The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at For those with slower internet connections, a full transcript of the promo video follows:

[Opening shot of New York, with a snow covered Central Park in the foreground.]

[Voice over: “Wednesday”]

[Close-up on a young boy.]

[Boy yells (off screen): “Dad!!!”]

[A group of men play football in the snow.]

[Boy: “Hike!”]

[The football is thrown into a crowd of players.]

[Voice over: “Winter in New York isn’t all fun …”

[The football sails through a glass window, putting a whole in the middle of it.]

[Voice over (cont.): “and games.”]

[A boy peers through the broken window.]

[Voice over: “It’s murder.”]

[A body is seen through the window, laying on the floor.]

[Stella and Mac kneel near the body of a man, mag lights shining.]

[Stella: “Single stab wound to the chest.]

[The suit-clad body lies on the ground with blood on the torso. The football lies next to him.]

[Close-up on Mac, shining his light.]

[Mac: “Football can’t do that.”]

[Aerial shot of the Brooklyn Bridge.]

[Voice over: “And the biggest …”]

[Three young women in skimpy costumes run.]

[Voice over (cont.): “race in The Big Apple …”]

[A group of costumed young men run past with a shopping cart.]

[Voice over (cont.): “isn’t the marathon.”]

[Text over: “marathon” as runners slide on the snowy pavement.]

[Voice over: “It’s the idiot run.]

[Text over: “Idiot Run” as a shopping cart glides across the snow.]

[A competitor in a shopping cart wipes out, tumbling across the snow.]

[Close-up on Danny.]

[Danny: “Excuse me?”]

[Close-up on a sexily costumed woman, talking to Danny.]

[Woman: “We’re like the Iditirad dog sled race.”]

[A shirtless young man lies in the snow.]

[Close-up on Hawes.]

[A group of Hawaiian-theme dressed men stand behind crime scene tape.]

[Hawkes: “Guess our vic’s out of the race.”]

[Close-up on Danny.]

[Danny: “And he finished dead last.”]

[Close-up on a foot, wrapped in an ace bandage.]

[Close-up on Sid, removing his glasses..]

[Sid: “Our murder weapon is a foot.”]

[Images of race competitors in the snow.]

[Medium on Hawkes.]

[Hawkes: “We’re looking at a one-legged suspect?”]

[Close-up on Danny.]

[Danny: “Who’s got serious kung foo skills.”]

[Voice over: “A new …”]

[Exterior shot of big city buildings.]

[Simultaneous voice and text over: “CSI:NY Wednesday 10/9c.”]

To view the trailer of this new CSI:New York episode, head over to the official CSI:New York website.

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