News Bullets
By CarolinaJune 6, 2005 - 11:14 PM
- Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) will appear on the Late Late Show with Greg Ferguson on June 8th. The show airs Weeknights at 12:35am on CBS.
- Gary Sinise's Lt. Dan Fan will perform at the Bowery Balloroom in New York City in a benefit for wounded soldiers. The band has invited violinist Melanie Doane to play along with them. For more information on the band's upcoming gigs, visit the official Lt. Dan Band.
- Issue 13th of the CSI: Official DVD Collection is ready to be launched. The new issue includes a featurette on day repists, an interview with producer and writer Josh Berman, and special features on the uses of luminol and botanical forensics. The issue also includes episodes "Chaos Theory" and "Overload".
- Paul Guilfoyle (Capt. Jim Brass) recently attended Boston College High School to talk to acting students about Hollywood (news). The actor also talked in Boston College's graduating ceremony, and the students reacted positively to his speech. "He talked a lot about authenticity," said Justin Holmes, one of the students. "He talked about finding yourself and how to find your bliss."
- Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle) was recently asked by People Magazine: which celebrity closet would you like to raid? The actress replied, "Prince's. All the sequins and the velvet? That would be fabulous."
- CSI this season helped CBS increase its advertising revenue, according to Yahoo News. The network secured $2.6 billion in ad sales commitments, with ad rate increases of 4 to 6 percent. CSI's ratings success
- Pictures of the CSI wrap party, courtesy of Dr. Gary Telgenhoff, are now available through Elyse. The pictures feature Marg Helgenberger, George Eads, Quentin Tarantino, among others.
- The newspaper The Day recently reviewer the CSI season finale, "Grave Danger" "So this is what happens when you hand the grisliest show on television over to the Jackson Pollock of cinematic violence: A touch of what passes for light conversation in Quentin Tarantino's world - Grissom's nattering on about Roy Rogers' horse, for starters - a sicko with an ax to grind and neatly placed dog entrails. All that, and Nick Stokes buried alive in Plexiglas and dined upon by fire ants, too. The flimsy plot connecting Tarantino's signature visuals was as arid as they come. Even so, "Grave" proved to be a worthy conversation piece, and watching the actors wrestle with the director's jaunty dialogue made you appreciate Gary Dourdan and William Petersen's usual quiet brooding."
- has been updated with new screen caps of the Miami episode "Lost Son." The pictures center around Adam Rodriguez's character Eric Delko.
- Pat Jones, chief deputy coroner of White County, Indiana, spent 11 years of his life as a crime scene investigator, and the coroner recently attended Purdue University to participate in the university's first Forensic Science Workshop. He and entomology professor Ralph Williams laid out some truths about crime scene investigation, including why bugs make the best witnesses to a murder.
- The David Caruso Online Gallery has been updated with new pictures of David Caruso (Horatio Caine) in various unknown photo shoots.
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