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By CarolinaFebruary 6, 2006 - 10:51 PM
Hello World!
Countdown to Lady Heather continues.
Try as I might, I can't seem to avoid ending up at a check out line at any supermarket (or pharmacy) behind the lady with the 1,078 jars of baby food. Has this ever happened to anyone? It's happened to me twice this week. Ladies with carts full of jars of baby food, to the top! Why, why so many jars? I know they're on sale sometimes, and it's hard to get out of the house when you've got a screaming brat chasing after you, but by God. Lady, just order a box, three boxes, a warehouse, please, think of the pretty little girl standing behind you. Of course, the cashier has to ring them one. By. Agonizing. One. Standing there, watching him, watching the lady, hearing the baby scream, I swear my fallopian tubes tied themselves up.
Where am I going with this? Yes, well, babies are a bad idea. In general. But more specifically? On CSI. Folks in the CSI: Miami forum are freaking out about certain spoilers (if you're spoiler free, you might wanna turn your monitor off right about now) regarding two characters getting visited by the stork this season. One? No, dude, two! Now, this is weird, because CSI has always claimed to be all about the science and none about the sexings, so to have two pregnancy scares in one season is just... confusing, and let's be honest, a tad irritating.
The general fan consensus: no. Let me echo that sentiment. I can accept the radioactive bombs planted by terrorists with no credible motive, the cases being solved in the same day (how hard is it to make the actors change their clothes to convey a day has gone by?), the giant and yet harmless tidal waves, the hurricanes that pass over the state in less than an hour, the fact that everyone who disagrees with Horatio is eeeevil, the fact that it never rains in Florida but rains plenty in Las Vegas, terminally ill characters who look ten times healthier than you and me, the thousand technical inaccuracies... but procreation? I'm sorry, that's just wrong.
So let's assume there's two busted condoms involved (for my sake, because I cannot fathom the idea of three scientists being so careless about sex). Also, let me take refuge in the hope that Delko and Boa Vista get a big fat negative (and that she'll get kicked out of the show soon - please). This still means it's possible that Horatio, who is having sex with a terminally ill cancer patient he just met (what a guy!), will show up next season with a little tyke hanging off his shoulders in a snuggli. God, the mere mental picture sends me into a fit of hysterics! Will the baby wear sunglasses, too? Will the baby cry, and then pause, and then cry again, and stare intently into the camera and be all arrogant and condescending like papa? The inadvertent comedy the writers have introduced into the show with this storyline is breathtaking, and yet unsettling. So, so unsettling.
Oh, of course I'm gonna watch it, cause I'm a freaking idiot. Damn, CSI: Miami! I wish I knew how to quit you!
Talk CSI Files threads
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:
- New member Dr_Forensics, who makes a living doing what Gil Grissom does, has joined the forum to explain a little bit more about what it is real CSIs do and don't do. Read his post in the General CSI Discussion forum.
- In the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation forum, fans are talking about their real life encounters with the cast.
- CSI: New York has finally premiered in the UK and fans accros the pond are a-giddy. Join them in their celebration in the CSI: New York forum.
More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!
CSI Files Two Years Ago
Here's what was happening in the fandom two years ago:
- Hall Didn't Want To Play 'Ghoulish Guy'
Robert David Hall never wanted his character to be defined through his career, but rather by a positive personality. "I told them right from the get-go, 'I'm not going to play your ghoulish guy,'" he said. "I want to be a guy who has respect for and sees death as part of life, and that's what they were looking for." - Petersen Hoped For 'Niche Audience'
If there's one thing William Petersen (Gil Grissom) loves about CSI it's the variety of fans the show has. "We thought we would have a niche audience of loyal viewers like X-Files or West Wing. But we have a huge audience that crosses all kinds of boundaries. It's unique. It's bizarre." - 'Lady Heather' Earns Berg ADG Nod
Production designer Richard Berg was recognised with an Art Directors Guild Award nomination in the category of Excellence in Production Design in a Single-Camera Television Series for the third-season episode, "Lady Heather's Box."
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:
,Thanks to everyone who voted! Make sure you come back after CSI: Miami to let us know if you liked the episode,
This Week On TV
- Tonight at 10:00pm, CSI: Miami's "Skeletons" will air on CBS. Here's how the network described it:
"When a body is uncovered during a beach volleyball tournament, the evidence leads Horatio to Walter Resden, who is now targeting one of his past victims -- someone Horatio has sworn to protect. Now, Horatio must deduce why Resden has returned and find a way to stop him for good. Meanwhile, Delko and Natalia's relationship takes an unexpected turn when she thinks that she may be pregnant."
- Please note that CSI: New York will be pre-empted this week for the Grammy's, but CSI is brand new on Thursday night with the episode "Pirates Of The Third Reich". This is what you can expect from it:
"When the body of a young woman is found half-buried in the desert outside of Vegas, Grissom teams up with Lady Heather (Melinda Clarke) to discover the cause of the victim's unusual death. The mystery deepens when the CSIs discover that the woman was participating in a clinical study where doctors performed experiments for sleep deprivation."
In addition to the above episodes on CBS, cable channel SpikeTV will of course continue its daily CSI repeats.
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