CBS Releases 'Grissom V. Volcano' Trailer
By KristineDecember 5, 2003 - 3:56 PM
See Also: 'Grissom Versus The Volcano' Episode Guide
Last night, CBS ran the promo for next Thursday's brand new episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, entitled "Grissom v. Volcano."
In this episode, a car bomb goes off in front of the Tangiers hotel, killing a United States Air Marshal named Adam Wexler. The car was a rental, which Wexler got after a mix-up. The man who had the car before Wexler, Roger Carlson, has evidence of what could be the components of a bomb on his hands. This episode also marks another appearance by Xander Berkeley as Sheriff Rory Atwater.
The 30-second trailer is available for download online from the official CBS web site. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:
- [Car drives up to the entrance of the Tangiers hotel]
- [Car next to the car that just drove up explodes and a man is thrown backwards]
- [Focus on Sheriff Rory Atwater looking on in shock]
- [Another car explodes; a man on fire is thrown into the air]
- [Closeup on Atwater]
- Atwater: "Explosions lead the news."
- [Camera zooms into the wrecked car, to focus in on the bloody severed feet of the victim]
- Atwater: "I need to know how and I need to know why."
- [Firefighter with a protective mask on hoses down burning car]
- [Close up on a shocked looking man]
- Man: "That was my camero?"
- [Close up on dark haired woman, speaking to Catherine]
- Woman: "Roger confessed he was CIA."
- [Close up on Catherine, who nods and ponders the information.]
- [Atwater stands in the doorway]
- Atwater: "Where it gets a little hazy for me is I'm not getting his connection to the air marshall."
- [Shot of plane taking off as Atwater says this]
- [Close up from the inside of a car, driver's perspective, coming up to the hotel entrance as a man in a suit runs toward the car]
- [Close up on Jim Brass, speaking to Atwater]
- Brass: "So you're saying the bomb was already in the car when he drove off?"
- Atwater: "What does it all mean?"
- [Close up on Nick Stokes, putting evidence into a test tube]
- [Close up on Stokes' hand, holding a piece of evidence with pliars]
- Stokes: "Anyone could have made this bomb."
- [Another explosion occurs; Grissom rushes towards Catherine to protect her as others around them recoil]
- [Close up on Grissom and Catherine, kneeling behind a car as Grissom gingerly leans back to look out at the damage]
- [Focus on Sheriff Rory Atwater looking on in shock]
To download the trailer in streaming Real Media format, head over to the CBS web site.
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