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CSI Files

An archive of CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds and crime drama news

Welcome To CSI Files!

By Christian
March 5, 2003 - 8:14 PM

Welcome to CSI Files, a new fan site dedicated to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and CSI: Miami!

Are you a fan of Gil Grissom and his team of forensic scientists? Did you also start following the adventures of Horatio Caine in sunny Southern Florida? If so, we hope you'll enjoy this site as a place where you can find out the latest news about the CSI stars, check in for background information about past and future episodes, and hang out with other CSI fans. Here's a short overview of what you'll be able to find on this site:

  • CSI Files - On the CSI Files main page, located right at, you'll find daily news updates on both CSI shows. Before each episode airs, we'll post information about the people who created the episode, as well as providing a few tantalising hints of the story - of course always without spoiling the excitement of trying to figure out "who did it." After each episode, we'll provide a review, and information on the show's performance in the ratings. We'll also be publishing information about media appearances by the actors, new CSI merchandise, and short news bullets. Hopefully, we'll even be able to publish some in-depth articles and interviews in the future. If you have some news you'd like to submit to the site, please send it to

  • Talk CSI - Located at are our CSI discussion boards, giving you the opportunity to talk with other CSI fans. Besides forums for both shows, we've also got a forum where you can post your fan fiction stories, one where you can talk about forensic science, and a merchandise forum. And when you want to talk about even more subjects, there's also a General Television and a Miscellaneous forum. In order to post on Talk CSI you'll first need to register, which you can do by heading over to the Talk CSI main page.

  • Episode Guide - We've got two episodes guides, one for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and CSI: Miami. In the episode guides, you'll already be able to find information about the plot, air date, creative crew, and guest stars of each episode, as well as informative notes on some episodes. Over the coming months, you'll be able to see even more information appear for each episode, including promo trailer transcripts, reviews, and fan poll results.

We hope you'll stick around over the coming weeks and months, as we continue to update the site with new features, and as Talk CSI will hopefully turn into a large CSI fan community. If you have any questions about the site, or suggestions for new parts we still need to add, please let us know at

Two of the new site areas we're already planning to add to the site are a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the shows themselves, as well as a web directory with links to other CSI fan sites. If you have any suggestions for the FAQ, or if you have a site you'd like to see added to the web directory, also please let us know. If you run a fan site, you might also be interested in our syndication area, where you can find options to add news and episode listings directly from CSI Files to your own site!

While this CSI fan site is brand new, we ourselves aren't new to the world of fan sites. Most of us are also involved in the Trek Nation, dedicated to all things Star Trek. Here's a short list of the people you may encounter here at CSI Files:

  • Christian is the webmaster of CSI Files. He's the person who tries to keep all parts of the site together, though you'll also see him post news at CSI Files, as well as post at Talk CSI, where he's an administrator. Christian can be reached at (He's also the person writing this article, and so feels a bit freaked out by having to refer to himself in the third person here :).)

  • Caillan is the main CSI Files news editor, and so you'll mostly see him posting a lot of CSI news here on the front page. Caillan can be reached at, but if you have any news to submit to the site, please send it to, so all of the people writing for CSI Files will be able to get it.

  • Lisa is the main administrator of Talk CSI. She's the person to contact if you have any questions about the discussion boards, although it would probably be a good idea to read through the list of frequently asked questions first. Lisa can be reached at

  • Antony is one of the CSI Files news editors. Like the three people mentioned above, Antony will soon be introducing himself in the "Site Columns," the weekly column we publish each Monday in which we'll also provide an outlook at the CSI episodes that will be airing that week.

  • Michelle Erica Green will be reviewing episodes of both CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and CSI: Miami. Although she's an experienced reviewer who was written about shows ranging from The X-Files to Xena, she's relatively new to the world of CSI, and over the coming weeks will be sharing her experiences getting to know the show.

  • Charles Capps is the technical wizard behind CSI Files. If the server overloads and the site comes crashing to the ground, he's the one to blame. On the other hand, on those other 364 days of the year, he's the person we look at in awe. You'll see Charles a lot on Talk CSI - if only because he's also one of the people who created the software for our discussion boards.

  • JKTim, Kass, Robert, Spaceman Spiff are all moderators, while T'Bonz is an administrator at Talk CSI. They're the people who help keep out offensive content from the discussion board, and make it a fun place to talk about CSI. They'll all be introducing themselves on the actual board.

While the above people are of course important to keep the site running, the most important part of the site has yet to come - you, the visitors! We hope you'll enjoy the site, and would love to hear from many of you at Talk CSI!

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