'CSI:Miami' Blog Updated
By DeborahFebruary 5, 2007 - 1:33 AM
In the latest entry to the CSI:Miami blog, Story Editor Krystal Houghton shares a few interesting details regarding her latest episode, “Throwing Heat.”
Houghton provides some interesting information on landmines. In the A-story, a baseball player comes over from Cuba and gets blown up by a landmine as soon as he sets foot on American soil. With more than 100 million active and buried landmines in the world today, thousands of innocent people are blown up each year.
For the scene involving blowing a character up with a landmine, a professional stuntman was used. He ran onto an “air ram” which used compressed air to launch him several feet into the air. The jump was coordinated with an explosives expert who shot sand and debris upward at the same time.
Houghton also shared a fun detail regarding the B-story, which involved Delko getting into a bar brawl. A fight choreographer was used to teach the actors how to throw punches without causing actual injury. The actors got so into it, they started cussing on camera. Fortunately, they were able to get a few bleep-free takes.
To read Houghton’s entry in full, head over to the CSI:Miami blog.
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