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Heist Boggles CSIs In New Episode

By Kristine
December 4, 2003 - 8:54 PM

See Also: 'Paper Or Plastic?' Episode Guide

Ty Sumner, the owner of the swank Mediterranean hotel, is showing guests around an exhibit of rare Japanese antiques when a woman's piercing scream interrupts the tour. She's found a dead man, electricuted in the pool when a cable fell. But when the dead man turns out to be a dummy, Grissom and Sara are called in to investigate in the upcoming CSI episode "Suckers."

CSI Files sources revealed early details for the fourteenth episode of CSI's fourth season. During the melee surrounding the discovery of the "body," a security guard is knocked unconscious and tied up while the most valuable piece of the collection, a samurai sword worth $850,000, is stolen. The security guard says he was hit from behind and didn't see a thing.

Meanwhile, Catherine and Warrick are working another case. Angela Sommerville, a teenager, was found murdered with some odd bite marks on her shoulder. The CSIs go to interview Angela's parents, Casandra and Scott, who reveal Angela was part of a vampire cult with her friends. Warrick discovers a make-shift shrine in Angela's closet, with the picture of a handsome young man at the center of it.

Catherine interviews three of Angela's friends who were part of her vampire "court." At first they're reluctant to talk, but then one of the girls, Alice, tells Catherine that the girls learned Angela had gone to a blood bar. When Angela told them she drank blood, the girls, who hadn't come near to that extreme themselves, kicked her out of their court. They left her alive, but that was the last any of them saw of her.

When Grissom and Sara return to the Mediterranean to continue their investigation, they learn that the exhibit has been taken down and put in Ty Sumner's safe. Grissom's careful examination of the room where the exhibit was leads him to a surprising disovery--the sword has been hidden in the crawl space above the room. But the discovery of the sword leads them to a crime on a much larger scale...

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.

"Suckers" will likely air in early 2004.

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