‘The Good, The Bad And The Dominatrix’ Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahApril 4, 2007 - 5:38 AM
According to CSI Files sources, Lady Heather returns to Las Vegas -- this time as a victim. She is assaulted in the salon of Old Western Town, a family theme park. The attack occurs after hours, when the park is closed.
Old Western Town’s night watchman tells Brass he has no idea how someone would get into the theme park after it’s locked for the night. The night watchman comes on at 6:00 p.m. when the park closes and locks the gate. Then he patrols every two hours. At 2:14 a.m. he found the front gate unlocked, heard music and went to check on it. That’s when he found Lady Heather on the floor. He claims he’d never seen her before.
Catherine and Sara process the crime scene. Catherine dusts for prints, while Sara notes that the sawdust floor will make it impossible to get any footprints. Sara finds pieces of a broken whiskey bottle and notes that since the theme park doesn’t serve alcohol, Lady Heather must have brought her own. A while later, Catherine finds men’s gray colored boxer shorts stuffed in a toilet in the saloon restroom, along with crumpled toilet paper revealed by ALS to contain semen.
Grissom goes to the hospital to visit Lady Heather, who is still alive. She starts to lose consciousness due to the fact that she’s in diabetic shock. A nurse says Lady Heather didn’t say she was diabetic. Grissom speculates that she must have forgotten to take her insulin.
Brass questions Jack Calvin, successful entrepreneur and owner of Old Western Town, along with his son and heir, Benjamin Calvin. Jack Calvin denies giving Lady Heather permission to use the park after hours. The son speaks up and says he let her in. She called the office and asked about renting the park for a private party. Jack Calvin supports his son’s decision, explaining that since Vegas is a 24 hour town, his place should be too and it was a way to generate additional revenue. The son says he didn’t know what she did for a living and the night watchman didn’t know about the private party because he let her in himself as he wanted to know who he was dealing with. He continues on to say that he didn’t stay. Rather he left Lady Heather and told her to lock up when she was finished. Jack Calvin reprimands his son, telling him he should have stayed with her for liability reasons.
The B-story involves a young woman, Ann Moroney, who is found dead, the apparent victim of vehicle homicide. She is found by a patrol car a little after 11:00 p.m. She has green paint chips in her skull. A man’s wallet is in her possession. It contains the drivers license belonging to Jeffrey Lanier. She also has a receipt from Diane’s Steakhouse, located a quarter-mile from the crime scene, indicating a time of 9:52 p.m.
Sophia goes to Diane’s Steakhouse. The first person she sees is Jeffrey Lanier, whom she recognizes from his drivers license photo. Lanier is the Maitre D’. Sophia shows him a picture of Moroney and he remembers her from the night before. He says her date stood her up and he remembers thinking the guy was an idiot. Moroney hung out for about an hour. She was really nice. She gave him a hug after he called a cab from Friendly Cabs for her, just after 10:00 p.m. Sophia tips him off that next time strange girls hug him, he might want to check his pockets.
Lanier tells Sophia that two cabs showed up to pick up Moroney and the drivers started fighting with each other over who was going to take her. He didn’t get a good look at either driver. Eventually Moroney got into the back of one cabs and it peeled out.
Nick and Warrick pay a visit to Friendly Cab Company, where they find a row of green cabs. A dispatcher tells them cab number 29 driven by Chandru Kambhatla was dispatched to Diane’s Steakhouse at 10:01 p.m. Kambhatla doesn’t arrive for his shift until 8:00 p.m., but the dispatcher shows them where to find cab number 29. It’s full of dents, scratches and dings – some old, some new. Warrick notices a rear-facing camera mounted in the vehicle. Nick swaps the front bumper for blood and it tests positive.
Nick brings Chandru (aka “Dru”) in for interrogation. Kambhatla denies ever seeing Moroney before, until Nick shows him several still photos of her that were snapped from inside his cab. Kambhatla is unfazed and says lots of people get into his cab. Nick advises him that she was hit by a green car and the last time she was seen alive was inside his cab. Kambhatla now remembers that she wanted to go to MGM, but the traffic was so bad she asked to be let out to walk. He says he let her out near the Monte Carlo, but Nick can see on his face that he’s lying.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
“The Good, the Bad and the Dominatrix” is expected to air on the 10th of May, 2007.
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