‘Internal Affairs’ Available Online
By DeborahJanuary 4, 2007 - 6:21 AM
CBS has released the promo for the new CSI:Miami episode “Internal Affairs.”
In this episode, Natalia’s ex-husband is murdered and evidence suggests that she killed him.
The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at CBS.com. For those with slower internet connections, a full transcript of the promo video follows:
[The entire team walks side by side.]
[Voice over: “The CSIs have dedicated their …”]
[Each character shown in split screen.]
[Voice over (cont.): “lives”]
[Close-up on Delko with his gun drawn.]
[Close-up on Dectective Tripp.]
[Voice over (cont): “to hunting down killers.”]
[Ryan runs out of a building.]
[A shirtless man runs.]
[Close-up on Horatio.]
[Horatio: “Spoken like a guilty man.”]
[Police cars race toward the camera, their sirens flashing.]
[Natalia’s ex-husband lies face down on the ground.]
[Voice over: “This time …”]
[A wedding photo of Natalia and her ex is picked up.]
[Off screen (Ryan): “This is Natalia’s ex.”]
[A gloved hand picks a bullet from a bloody pool on the carpet.]
[Voice over (cont.): “the killer may …”]
[Close-up on Ryan.]
[Voice over (cont.): “be right beside them.”]
[Natalia is seen from behind, cuffed and escorted by two men, one in uniform.]
[Close-up on Natalia.]
[Voice over: “You’re under arrest for the murder of Nick Townsend.]
[Medium on Natalia.]
[Natalia (panicked): “You’re kidding me. Say something, please.”]
[Close-up on Delko looking down.]
[Close-up on Valera.]
[Valera: “I’m the one responsible.”]
[Image of a man hitting someone.]
[An angry Delko is restrained by an unknown working in the lab.]
[Ryan and Calleigh engage in conversation.]
[Ryan: “Eric and Nick said they were going to take it outside for part two.”]
[Voice over: “The team will be broken apart.”]
[Medium on Natalia, alone.]
[Close-up on Delko.]
[Delko: “Who’s going to work the case?”]
[Close-up on Horatio: “Jake Berkley.”]
[Close-up on Jake.]
[Jake: “When the shoe is on the other foot, it’s a tight fit. Isn’t it?”]
[Close-up on Delko.]
[Simultaneous text and voice over: “First”]
[Medium on Calleigh.]
[Text and voice over (cont.): “new CSI:Miami”]
[Close-up on Alexx.]
[Text and voice over (cont.): “of the year”]
[A finger print brush swirls in dark powder.]
[Medium on Horatio speaking into his cell phone.]
[Horatio (into the phone): “Stop that clean up right now.”]
[Text and voice over: “CSI:Miami Monday 10/9c new episode”]
To view the trailer of this new CSI:Miami episode, head over to the official CSI:Miami website.
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