'Hurricane Anthony' Strikes 'Miami'
By CaillanSeptember 3, 2003 - 10:00 AM
See Also: 'Hurricane Anthony' Episode Guide
The CSIs will have more than storm damage on their hands next season when a hurricane sweeps through Miami leaving three separate cases for them to investigate.
Entitled "Hurricane Anthony", the CSI: Miami episode opens as the eponymous tropical storm makes landfall, sources told CSI Files today. A rich, twenty-something couple, Heather and Scott Burton, are making their escape in torrential rain when suddenly a man slams into the windshield of their car.
After the hurricane has passed, Horatio Caine and Alexx Woods attend the scene to examine the man's body and question the Burtons about their involvement. As they do so, a very pregnant woman, Rosa Lopez, runs up to the CSIs asking if they've seen her husband, Carlos. He went out to secure the roof of their house when the hurricane hit, and she hasn't seen him since.
But the search will have to wait for a while, as Rosa suddenly goes into labour. With medical resources stretched to the limit in Miami, Alexx in enlisted to deliver the baby. Out in the Lopez's backyard, Eric Delko finds Carlos impaled on a wrought iron fence. How did he get there: force of nature or something more sinister?
Meanwhile, Calleigh and Detective Hagen spot a man carrying a stereo out of a hurricane-damaged house. Thinking he's looting the residence, the pair rush to arrest him. But the man, Ted Gold, claims it's actually his house. He's hesitant about letting Calleigh and Hagen inside to verify his story, with good reason: his wife is lying dead in the upstairs bedroom.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.
"Hurricane Anthony" will likely air on CBS this fall.
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