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First ‘Man Down’ Plot Details Revealed

By Deborah
January 3, 2007 - 5:55 AM

According to CSI Files sources, in the opening sequence of “Man Down,” Delko is shot in the right thigh and left side of the face. Horatio is with him and immediately summons medical assistance. He tells Delko to stay with him, but when the paramedics arrive Delko’s heartbeat slows, then fades out. The paramedic tells Horatio he’s dead.

Delko arrives at the hospital barely alive, after flat lining twice in route. He flat lines again as he’s being wheeled into the emergency room. Electric paddles fail to revive him. Intracardiac epinephrine is administered Pulp Fiction-style. His heart begins to beat again.

Horatio flashes back to Speedle in a pool of blood with his head cradled in Horatio’s hands.

Horatio next flashes back to Delko, with his head jerking to the side as he’s shot in the face.

Ryan and Calleigh rush to the hospital, but are unable to get a clear answer as to Delko’s condition.

Ryan and Calleigh investigate the crime scene, a parking garage. They find a white car parked in such a way as to take up two spaces and reason that the car was parked like that to ensure a front row seat to the shooting. They track down the owner of the car, Stan Keeler.

Keeler, a 28 year old security guard, is brought in for questioning. Keeler is part of an armed patrol that works the parking garage where Delko was shot. He explains that he parks the way he does because the car is all he’s got and he wants to make sure no one scratches it. He admits to being on duty at the time of the shooting, but says he was on a different level of the garage at the time. He ran to the stairwell as soon as he heard the gunshots. He observed a blond man, medium build, wearing a baseball cap running down the stairs.

Ryan tests Keeler’s right hand for gun shot residue, but gets a negative result.

Horatio sets his investigation on local developer and philanthropist Joseph Trevi, after Detective Tripp discovers off shore wire transfer activity. They believe Trevi paid one million dollars to crime figure Clavo Cruz, who may be involved in the shooting.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

“Man Down” is expected to air on the 12th of February, 2007.

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