First ‘A Grizzly Murder’ Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahFebruary 2, 2007 - 6:17 AM
According to CSI Files sources, “A Grizzly Murder” opens with a group of men hunting white tailed deer in the Everglades – Andy Kelso, 28; Rob Harris, 26; and Dennis West, 29. They’re inexperienced hunters. Harris and West carry rifles. Kelso is armed with a long bow. A group of college buddies on a “guycation.” The group is led by a guide, Chuck Greene, 32.
The group encounters a 7 foot tall, 800 pound black bear. Despite their guides instructions to the contrary, the inexperienced outdoorsmen turn and run. The bear chases and one of the men, Dennis West, is mauled to death.
Horatio, Detective Tripp and Alexx arrive at the crime scene to find the bear muzzled, chained and being taken away by a pair of National Park Rangers. Upon examination of West’s body, Alexx discovers that West had a clear substance on the back of his hunting vest. The substance is vanilla gel, a scented glycerin used to attract bears. West had been used as bait.
West’s buddies, Kelso and Harris, tell Horatio they have no idea why anyone would want West killed. They’re just a group of friends from college who have turned into 60-hour-week desk jockeys and needed to sign-up for a “guycation” to feel like men.
Ryan scans Kelso and Harris with a minirae device and determines that they are also sporting moderate levels of glycerin. Horatio advises them not to go far.
Investigation of the crime scene reveals that West didn’t run very far before he was attacked by the bear. Alexx discovers from West’s medical records that he was in perfect health and ran the Boston Marathon last year. Autopsy reveals that West had a broken knee, with bruising consistent with the butt end of a rifle.
Ryan goes to see the owner of the property the group was hunting on. Billy Southwick, a dirty hill-billy sort. He owns 1250 acres of Everglades property, littered with broken appliances and rusty car rims. Ryan finds a bottle of glycerin. Southwick admits he uses the glycerin to make bear bait, which he sells. Southwick’s client roster includes the hunting guide, Chuck Greene.
Meanwhile, a bloody Trax player is found in a hotel room. The owner of the device is identified as Anna Gallo,23, a beautiful olive-skinned stripper. Horatio locates Gallo and has her brought to the interrogation room because he feared she might be in trouble. Perhaps the blood was hers. Gallo is defensive and unwilling to believe Horatio is actually interesting in protecting and serving. Gallo eventually divulges that she wasn’t at the hotel the night before, like she was supposed to be. She had a co-worker, Tess Gowan, cover for her so she could go to a recording studio and work on a demo.
Gowan’s body is found dumped in the Everglades. Turns out the group Gowan was hired to entertain is none other than the group of buddies on their “guycation.”
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
“A Grizzly Murder” is expected to air on the 26th of February, 2007.
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