February 4 2025

CSI Files

An archive of CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds and crime drama news

Site Columns

By Christian
February 2, 2005 - 10:46 AM

Hello World!

Yes, I know - it's been way too long since we posted one of these Site Columns! In fact, it's been so long that many of the new visitors that we've been able to welcome over the past few months may not even know what the Site Columns are. If you're one of them: this is where we let you know what's been going on at our message board Talk CSI, how people voted in the episode polls we run, and which CSI episodes you'll be able to see on TV. It's also where we alert you of any upcoming actor birthdays and where we provide corrections to any mistakes we may have made over the past week. And finally, it's the CSI Files editors' own little soapbox!

The primary reason the Site Columns haven't been appearing as often over the past few months actually has a lot to do with the fact that we've been a little short-handed in the editorial department. Chris Wales, who used to write most of the Site Columns for several months, as well as write a lot of the regular news, unfortunately decided to quit the site at the start of November. In addition, Caillan Davenport, who's been the site's main news editor ever since it launched back in 2003, also decided to quit earlier this month, in order to concentrate on his academic research. I was very sorry when they decided to leave, but of course also extremely grateful for the work they've put in for the sites. Should you wish to contact them, for the near future they can still be reached at caillan@csifiles.com and at ChrisWales@csifiles.com.

Happily, I'm also able to report that a new and very talented writer has agreed to join the site to write news for CSI Files: Carolina Rivera, already familiar to some of you as 'midnight_tiptoes,' moderator of Talk CSI's Fan Fiction / Art forum. Over the past few days, she's already written some great articles such as the news item about CBS pulling CSI: Miami's "Crime Wave" from the repeat schedule, and the very first spoilers of Miami's upcoming episode "Money Plane," and from today on, she'll be putting up articles pretty much every weekday. Next Monday, Carolina will be introducing herself in her own edition of the Site Columns - if you want to get in touch with her before that, check out her personal site Sombras-Azules.net, or send her an email at carolina@csifiles.com!

Talk CSI Files threads

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:

-In the CSI: Miami forum, 'Persephone1' wants to know whether CBS will ever bring back Kim Delaney to CSI: Miami.

-Staten Island residents are complaining that CSI: New York doesn't take the ferry over to their borough often enough.

-And in General TV & Media, people are getting excited about next Sunday's Super Bowl Game.

More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!

Poll Results

Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:

How would you rate 'Who Shot Sherlock?'
9-10 53.7% - (504 Votes)
7-8 25% - (235 Votes)
Wasn't able to see it 9.6% - (90 Votes)
5-6 6% - (57 Votes)
3-4 2.4% - (23 Votes)
Didn't want to see it 1.6% - (15 Votes)
1-2 1.3% - (13 Votes)

Total Votes: 937

,Thanks for voting! Along with the return of the Site Columns as a regular feature, the polls will now also again be refreshed following each new episode, so you will be able to vote on all the new CSI episodes CBS will be showing during the February sweeps.

In preparation for this, we've already our poll for this Thursday's brand-new CSI episode: ,


Our thanks go out to the eagle-eyed posters at Talk CSI who spotted these errors, and our apologies to all our readers for making these mistakes in the first place.

This Week's Television Listings

This Thursday, CBS will be showing the new CBS episode "Nesting Dolls." Here's how the network describes the episode:

When two female corpses are uncovered in a new housing development construction area, the CSIs are led into the world of Russian mail-order brides, where young women get work visas and come to America hoping to land a man who will marry them and give them citizenship. Meanwhile, Sara is reprimanded by Ecklie for an inappropriate comment and ends up opening up to Grissom about her long-held family secret.

"Nesting Dolls" will air on Thursday at 9:00pm.

Two other CSI episodes will also be shown this week, both repeats: first the original CSI's "Dead Ringer" on Thursday at 8:00pm, then the second-season CSI: Miami episode "Deadline" on Saturday at 9:00pm.

In addition, Spike TV will of course be repeating CSI episodes at least twice daily for the rest of the week. A full listing of their upcoming episodes can be found here at SpikeTV.com.

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