CBS Releases 'Eleven Angry Jurors' Promo
By KristineJanuary 2, 2004 - 5:31 PM
See Also: 'Eleven Angry Jurors' Episode Guide
Last night, CBS ran the promo for next Monday's brand new episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigations, entitled "Eleven Angry Jurors".
"Eleven Angry Jurors" centers around the murder of a member of a jury--the only holdout voting "not guilty." Grissom and Sara have to find out which of his fellow jury members did him in.
The 30-second trailer is available for download online from the official CBS web site. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:
- [Shot of Las Vegas buildings at night]
- [A man grabs a woman from behind and appears to be strangling her]
- [Close up on a juror--a woman with long dark brown hair, speaking]
- Dark Haired Woman: "Can we please put this to another vote?"
- [Close up on chubby blonde man, a juror, looking to his right]
- [Shot of the entire jury seated at the deliberation table]
- Man (off camera): "Twelve strangers in a room with no exit."
- [Close up on blonde female juror, wide-eyed]
- [Close up on older female juror with dark greying hair]
- [Blonde male juror pushes his chair away from the table in frustration]
- Male voice (off camera): "Guy's the only hold out, the only one!"
- [Grissom kneels down and looks under a table using a flashlight]
- [Sara examines evidence with a flashlight]
- Brass (off camera): "Eleven guilty, one not guilty."
- [Close up on Brass holding a piece of paper]
- Brass: "Now that's motive."
- [Close up on redhead woman (same woman as the blonde female juror)]
- Redhead woman: "I teased him a little bit."
- [Redhead and a man embrace]
- [Close up on bald man, looking angry]
- Bald Man: "I was only messing with his head!"
- [Close up on a hand]
- [Man backs up, reacting]
- [Close up on Sara]
- Sara: "You might have killed him!"
- [Close up on angry young male juror]
- Angry young man: "I can't take this anymore!"
- [Close up on young dark-haired woman, looking disturbed]
- [Close up on chubby blonde juror]
- Man (off camera): "I lost my temper."
- [Close up on angry young man, standing above seated man, leaning down and shaking him]
- [Close up on Catherine]
- Catherine: "You sure it's lost?"
- [Close up on Warrick, examing evidence]
- Young dark-haired woman (voiceover): "I just wanted to get home."
- [Close up on young dark-haired woman, looking upset, talking to someone]
- Young dark-haired woman: "I didn't know it was going to kill him."
- [Shot of five members of the jury, one woman (older dark-haired woman) and four men) walking]
- [Close up on Sara]
- Sara: "Everyone hated him and everyone knew how to kill him."
- [Shot of hand bashing man's head into the table]
- [Shot of table from below as man falls]
- [A man grabs a woman from behind and appears to be strangling her]
To download the trailer in streaming Real Media format, head over to the CBS web site.
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